Need some help regarding authentication issues in CRM while using powershell commands. When I use the following commands through powershell I get a 401 "Unauthorized".

$CRMCredentials=get-credential (username="someuser";password="somepassword")
$APIURL="https://crm.family.com/family/api/data/v8.2/gen_systems?`$filter=gen_serialnumber eq '$systemid'"
$headers = @{ Accept = 'application/json'}
$a=Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $APIURL -Credential $CRMCredentials -Headers $headers

However, if I copy the url and paste it in the browser I get a login prompt where I enter the same credentials which I am using with powershell. After that I am able to reach the API endpoint"https://crm.family.com/family/api/data/v8.2/gen_systems?$filter=gen_serialnumber eq 'GSC-160802-836043'".

Using developer tools of chrome and while inspecting the http request I noticed that there are 4 cookies generated .

enter image description here

Using the information of the cookies I wrote a test code and was able to login.

    $CRMCredentials=get-credential (username="someuser";password="somepassword")
    $APIURL="https://crm.family.com/family/api/data/v8.2/gen_systems?`$filter=gen_serialnumber eq '$systemid'"
    $headers = @{ Accept = 'application/json'}
    $finaltime=Get-Date -Date ([datetime]::Parse($expiryforfirstcookie)) -Format G
    $ContentType = "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal"
    $cookie=new-object system.net.cookie
    $cookie.name = "ReqClientId"
    $cookie.path = "/"
    $cookie.value = "9230....."
    $cookie.domain = "crm.family.com"
    $cookie.expires = "$finaltime"
    $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
    $cookie2=new-object system.net.cookie
    $cookie2.name = "NSC_wt_gvmmttm_dsn003_gf"
    $cookie2.path = "/"
    $cookie2.value = "ffffffff096c...."
    $cookie2.domain = "crm.family.com"
    #$cookie2.expires = "Session"
    $cookie3=new-object system.net.cookie
    $cookie3.name = "MSISAuth"
    $cookie3.path = "/"
    $cookie3.value = "77u/PD94bW....."
    $cookie3.domain = "crm.family.com"
    #$cookie2.expires = "Session"
    $cookie4=new-object system.net.cookie
    $cookie4.name = "MSISAuth1"
    $cookie4.path = "/"
    $cookie4.value = "UW9BREU0OHB4Y2c....."
    $cookie4.domain = "crm.family.com"
    #$cookie2.expires = "Session"

$a=Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $APIURL -Credential $CRMCredentials -WebSession $session -Headers $headers -ContentType $ContentType

My question to you guys is that I think that the cookies information is changing therefore it would be a good idea to extract and include in my "Invoke-RestMethod" command . How I go about doing this? I have been searching couldn't find a valid resource. Thanks in advance!

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