Questions tagged [creation]

Do not use. Too vague to be of any possible significance.

Do not use. Too vague to be of any possible significance. Tag should be removed.

462 questions
2 answers

How to handle double click from childs in compound component?

I have created a new compound component based on a TCustomPanel. On it I have two labels and one image, covering all the surface, see this layout (the lower part is less important): My question is how to export the double click functionality of any…
2 answers

How to write data to a text file on Arduino

I have some position data continually coming in and I am currently printing it to the serial. Say I have the string "5" and want to print that to a text file, "myTextFile", what would I need to do to achieve this? To be clear, the text file would be…
Michael Zakariaie
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3 answers

Strange timestamp duplication when renaming and recreating a file

I'm trying to rename a log file named appname.log into the form appname_DDMMYY.log for archiving purposes and recreate an empty appname.log for further writing. When doing this in Windows 7 using C++ and either WinAPI or Qt calls (which may be the…
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2 answers

Creation date of file in android

How to get the creation date of file in android. I know about file.lastModified(), but I really need the creation date, that you can see in OS Windows in Properties of file. If someone know the solution of this task, please, write it below this…
Slavik Blase
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1 answer

Can't create "App Engine Connected Android Project" in Eclipse: "Creation of element failed"

I am not able to create an "App Engine Connected Android Project" by wizard in Eclipse anymore. When I click the "Finish" button, the following error message appears: Creation of element…
2 answers

Creating a simple database schema

I'm new to SQL and could use some help in creating a database schema for my program, which manages and installs programs for my home network. Are there any guidelines/tutorials for creating database schemas?
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Where to put application state?

Where in the code do I best put object creation (stateful objects) and where not? In what layers? For example, I once put an object reference inside a Hibernate DAO class and I was told that this was incorrect because DAO classes are not supposed to…
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1 answer

Expire date as default value for TIMESTAMP column

Is there any way to set the default value for a column as an expire date (some hours from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)? I have already tried: ALTER TABLE `table` ADD COLUMN `expire` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, 5, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); But…
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1 answer

Virtual class creation/destruction in delphi

This is my first post here, but I'd like to say thank you to the community because I've found solutions to my problems countless times by coming here and finding a solution in a question that had already been answered. That being said, I'd like to…
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1 answer

What is the "right" way to return a new class object from a VBA function?

I am looking for the proper way to create and return a new class object in VBA. I am familiar with the following pattern for returning a new Type variable (returned by value): Public Type Foo x as Integer y as Integer End Type Public…
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4 answers

Javascript object creation best practice

I have the following javascript : var MyObject = (function() { function Setup(args) { this.prop1 = args.x; this.prop2 = args.y this.prop3 = this.prop1 +…
Alan Alcock
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1 answer

Making a 3D maze in Java

Goal I am making a program which generates a 3D maze and am having a bit of trouble with the creation algorithm. For ease of interaction, it will be a rectangular prism with one entrance and one exit. Algorithm The problem is the actual coding of…
Ben Leggiero
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1 answer

How to get user ID during user creation in Meteor?

I am creating default users on the server with a Meteor startup function. I want to create a user and also verify his/her email on startup (I'm assuming you can only do this after creating the account). Here's what I have: Meteor.startup(function()…
Barry Michael Doyle
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2 answers

Self-referencing class: concrete python class from C interface

I am trying to design a C interface which could easily be extended in Python (using ctypes). I've used the natural idiom in C: struct format { int (*can_open)(const char *filename); struct format * (*open)(const char *filename); void…
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4 answers

Objective C - preferred way to create and initialize an object

Is one of these two ways to create and initialize an object preferable? MyClass oClass = [[MyClass alloc] init]; oClass.length = 5; oClass.text = @"Hello"; or using a class method that contains about the same code but looks like this: MyClass…
Scott Pendleton
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