Questions tagged [creation]

Do not use. Too vague to be of any possible significance.

Do not use. Too vague to be of any possible significance. Tag should be removed.

462 questions
5 answers

How does one incrementally build a nested object structure from an array of property names?

My task is straight forward. I have an array of strings: let a=["a","b","c"]; And i want to convert that array to (can alter the original array, doesn't matter) what i would like to call as "recursive object" just so: //in json format just to…
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3 answers

How does one create an object based on the precedence of another object's key order?

I have an object like this - const obj = { 'veh1': 'Car', 'veh2': 'Bicycle', 'veh3': 'Truck', 'wheels1': '4', 'wheels2': '2', 'wheels3': '8' } I want an object which have entries mapped like- veh1 to wheels1, veh2 to…
Vivek kumar
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1 answer

Trying to create file

Trying to do this code try { if(!file.exists()){ file.createNewFile() file.exists() } val out = FileOutputStream(file) …
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1 answer

Extract file creation date via Python

I ran into an issue when trying to extract file creation date via Python. I am using Python3.6 on 64bit Windows7. I have a number of pictures (jpeg) that were taken [I should use "created" instead] in the past and uploaded to an on-line album on…
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2 answers

Cannot get label.text c#

I am new in C#, and now I have a problem that I cannot solve. I have created the same label on multiple tabpages: public Label ChosenType = new Label(); private void EvalType() { Label labelChosenType = new Label(); …
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1 answer

Have a binary data and need to convert the same to PDF

The pdf is getting generated in local but it is corrupted .The message is 'adobe reader could not open because it is either not supported or damaged'.Below is the code i am using .The binary content is a pdf content for sure .Please help…
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4 answers

HTML5 declaration about new and old tags

I'm sorry for how ridiculous this question might seem and for my english. I'm just stuck and can't understand this. How can we still use the .... in HTML5 and the result be the same with ......
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1 answer

is it possible to edit Magento creation date? and how?

hey there? I have a problem and I need to edit product's creation date on magento to arrange my products to the right order, but I just cannot find out how to do it? can anyone here help me? thanks
1 answer

at the time of billing ,customer creation screen should opens every time no matter what value is there in database property table

, i am getting customer screen for walkin customer but i am not getting this screen for existing customer,please help me here is the if condition code if (customerData[25].equalsIgnoreCase …
2 answers

Informix huge database creation

How to create a huge database in Informix (IDS) version 11.50?
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1 answer

Timer with FileSystemWatcher to control file Creation

I need to check a folder for some files of a certain type, then add them to an array, and print and delete them one by one. If a new file is added during the process, it will just get added to the printing queque. I'm trying to monitor if a file is…
Liquid Core
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2 answers

java object creation

public class ServersList { private Host host; private Server server; private InfoList infoList; private List abcInformation; @XmlElement(name = "Host") @JsonProperty("Host") public Host getHost() { …
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3 answers

many classes vs many objects

I'm working on a Python project in which I have to represent a GUI-structure in my code. It looks like this: window1 (containing button1, button2, button3, dialog1, ...) window2 (containing button4, button5, dialog2, list1, ...) So there is a…
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1 answer

How to create dynamic directory structure on SD card in Android?

I want to create directories automatically on my SDCard with given path which contains complete path for a file. the path is coming dynamically from a server so I don't know what are the names of the directories are and how many deep is the…
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2 answers

JSON creation in android

I want to create a json like this in java. { "contacts": [ { "id": "c200", "name": "Ravi Tamada", "email": "", "address": "xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country", …
Pramod J George
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