Questions tagged [corrupt]

Data structures or files may become damaged or corrupt.

The "corrupt" tag is appropriate for questions related to damaged data structures or files:

  • detecting corruption: often related to common error messages or error states
  • preventing corruption: techniques for analyzing causes and avoiding them
  • recovering from corruption: tools and techniques for extracting partial data from damaged data structures, or restoring consistency to inconsistent data

Questions will always be in the context of a particular data structure, such as:

  • file format (zip, gzip, rar, ...)
  • file system (extfs, ntfs, ...)
  • data structure (tree, heap, memory, ...)
423 questions
3 answers

Git repository corrupt (incorrect header check; loose object is corrupt)

I experienced a power failure yesterday evening while writing a commit message. When I booted the machine back up I couldn't complete the commit. I ran git reset, added back the changed files, and tried again, and got this: % git commit error:…
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15 answers

How to recover corrupted Eclipse workspace?

I just managed to corrupt contents of my Eclipse .metadata directory. Starting up with eclipse -clean did not work out. Deleting .metadata and then importing all projects, plugins and setting does not sound too interesting. I ended up moving…
Petteri H
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3 answers

Repairing a Corrupt MP4 Video File

I have an MP4 video that I took with a Flip camera. The camera froze up while I was stopping the recorder and now the video appears corrupt. I can still download it off the camera, but it won’t play. Now, the video is still over 2 Gigabytes in size,…
Steve C.
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3 answers

How can I recover files from a corrupted .tar.gz archive?

I have a large number of files in a .tar.gz archive. Checking the file type with the command file SMS.tar.gz gives the response gzip compressed data - deflate method , max compression When I try to extract the archive with gunzip, after a delay I…
Tom Melluish
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10 answers

How can I catch corrupt JPEGs when loading an image with imread() in OpenCV?

OpenCV says something like Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment or Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code or Corrupt JPEG data: 22 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9 when loading a corrupt jpeg image with imread(). Can I somehow catch…
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7 answers

Detect if PDF file is correct (header PDF)

I have a windows .NET application that manages many PDF Files. Some of the files are corrupt. 2 issues: I'll try to explain in my imperfect English...sorry 1.) How can I detect if any pdf file is correct ? I want to read header of PDF and detect if…
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2 answers

resolving corruption in SQL Server Compact Edition database files

This is not a query. Its a summary of our solution to get around the problem of corruption in SQL Compact Database files with (almost) definite success. SQLCE Corruption is a very common problem. We've received tremendous help from earlier posts in…
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4 answers

How can I debug a corrupt docx file?

I have an issue where .doc and .pdf files are coming out OK but a .docx file is coming out corrupt. In order to solve that I am trying to debug why the .docx is corrupt. I learned that the docx format is much stricter with regard to extra…
Martin Hansen Lennox
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4 answers

IOS Video Compression Swift iOS 8 corrupt video file

I am trying to compress video taken with the users camera from UIImagePickerController (Not an existing video but one on the fly) to upload to my server and take a small amount of time to do so, so a smaller size is ideal instead of 30-45 mb on…
Andrew Edwards
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4 answers

How to fix git missing blob?

Because I've been rsyncing my git repo between various places I'm now stuck with a broken git repo. When I do git log I get a correct history, but when I do git status I get fatal: unable to read 563e4c9abcd4114e08255db989f0f53426bdeff7 So after…
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1 answer

Seemingly random file corruption using AVAudioRecorder (Sometimes the file can't be played back) - iOS

In an app I'm currently developing, I've more or less hit a brick wall. In the application you can enter a view which lists all locally saved audio files in a standard table view. From here you can click on them to play them, or hit a record button…
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5 answers

git svn rebase: Incomplete data: Delta source ended unexpectedly

I have been maintaining the git mirror of the watir project. Some time a couple weeks ago, we had someone ready to submit their first git-based patch. Unfortunately, we ran into some issues regarding line endings (CRLF vs. LF, etc.) because of the…
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3 answers

Create a video from jpeg with avconv => corrupted video

Im trying to make a video (whatever the format) from a directory full of jpeg frames. I tried with avconv (v0.8), as seen on many topics on the internet, and the libav documentation as well : avconv -i samples/*.jpeg output.mpeg It seems to work…
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3 answers

SVN E155016 The working copy database at ... is corrupt

My computer exploded while in the middle of an svn (version 1.8.8) update command. Now svn does nothing just tells me the working copy is corrupt. svn: E155016 The working copy database at [dir] is corrupt I have no idea what to do, any…
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3 answers

How to simulate a corrupt state exception in .NET 4?

Well, in .NET 4 Microsoft added the HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions attribute: HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute Class I want to test this feature. How can I bring my application to a "corrupt state"?
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