Questions tagged [core-data-migration]

for issues related to Migration of CoreData on OS X systems

553 questions
1 answer

Bi-directional migration with CoreData

Does anyone have any clue if it's possible to do a bi-directional migration with Core Data? As an example, I would like to add a feature that is only supported with a newer iOS (external images) while still supporting iOS3.1. What I was hoping to…
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CoreData model not working properly

I'm updating an App which uses CoreData. On the full version I made it so the user could save his/her own data on the database (the App populates a pre-filled database). The App was written on Xcode 4.2 and with a deployment target of iOS 4.1, so…
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Do I have to migrate rows of Coredata base?

I have an app on the store, with populated data in a CoreData base. For pre-populating the database, we generated a .sqlite file with the application data. For example in the table PERSON, I have 134 Martin Developer 256 John Boss 371 Doe …
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CoreData preparing for eventual migration

I have an ipad application that has a simple core data model with two entities. Eventually, I'll be adding a third entity in a update to the app. Is there anything I need to do with the current version of the data model to prepare for eventual…
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recognize data model versioning and execute certain actions

I want to remote all entities when user upgrade to newer version with newer model version. For example, App version 1.0 & Model version 1 Table X Table Y When upgrade to app version 1.1 & Model version 2, I add two tables Table H Table K Table X and…
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Core Data Migration - Migrating selected data from a previous version

We're performing our first iOS app update, and also our first Core Data migration. It seems more complicated than the examples of the Standard and Lightweight Core Data migrations i've seen online, but perhaps i'm missing something. Our scenario is…
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NSPersistentStoreCoordinator - how to handle schema incompatibility errors?

Every time I change the Core Data model for my app, it generates an unrecoverable error at the next startup: "The model used to open the store is incompatible with the one used to create the store". The only reliable way to avoid this I have found…
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Core Data Migration - Remotely

I’m creating an application that uses Core Data to store information and uses web services to get the data that is needed. To update Care Data schema, I thought about send the database (with all data) to the server via web service and the server…
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What needs to be done to update an iOS app with a completely new Xcode file?

I have completely rebuilt my app (in SwiftUI) in a new Xcode file. The app has been on the App Store for several years with nearly a thousand paying users using CoreData. How can I be sure the update doesn't cause the users to loose their data…
1 answer

Search data form CoreDataBase if search data similar with another data that contain special character

I have implemented Core Database in my Application and fetching data from table. Application requirement is fetch same data if Data contain or not contain hyphen(-) For Exp1: Table contain below data Id Serialnumber Name 1 …
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Core Data: when to enable lightweight migrations?

Should I add a model version and enable lightweight versioning of Core Data from the first version of the app, or it can be done in a later app update if needed? Thanks in advance
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Send coreData by Email

I've made a simple app to store locations with CoreLocation in CoreData. My Problem is that now i want to send all my "data Base" (CoreData) by email to see and treat the data but i can't do it. I tried to convert NSManagedObjects into a…
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Steps for migrating a core database

Possible Duplicate: Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone) I submitted an update of my app in the appstore. In this update I've added some things in my core database. Now I get some complaints that the app is…
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