Questions tagged [cordova-2.0.0]

Questions about Cordova version 2.0.0. Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Cordova version 2.0.0:


314 questions
1 answer

Phonegap/Cordova App Shrink too small on high resolution device like Samsung Galaxy S4

My Phonegap/Cordova app looks fine with the setting below, on devices like iPhone 4/4S (640x960), HTC Desire HD (480x800), Samsung Galaxy Note etc.
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8 answers

How can I get the cordova InAppBrowser to provide a way for the user to close the browser when using an Android device?

I'm using the cordova InAppBrowser to display content from an external site in my app. When I open the browser on an iPhone, there are some buttons at the bottom of the InAppBrowser for closing it or navigating back and forth. The InAppBrowser on an…
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4 answers

Why is PhoneGap slower than Browser?

I'm running the same exact web app on Android under PhoneGap and under the built in Browser. The app runs fine on the built-in browser but is unbelievably slow under PhoneGap. Even basic scrolling on the page stutters under PhoneGap. Is there…
Matt Zukowski
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6 answers

PhoneGap 2.0 iOS getting started guide buggy?

I followed the instructions in the PhoneGap 2.0.0 getting started with iOS guide. It seems not update to date, because some files in the created project have other names than in the guide. Apart from this, a warning and error occures while…
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9 answers

phonegap - open link in browser

I use phonegap (cordova 2.2) I have link like this : twitter On iOS - it opens link in browser(Safari) But on Android - it opens inside webview(inside my phonegap app) Is there a way to make…
Pydev UA
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2 answers

how to use iscroll javascript in phone gap?

I have tried implementing the iscroll java script for my application as a remedial process for the CSS position:fixed that does not work in android 2 and 3 versions using cordova 2.1.0 I have copied the javascript of iscroll-lite from here html…
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How does phoneGap (Cordova) work internally, iOS specific

I have started developing html applications for mutliple platforms. I recently heard about Cordova 2.0(PhoneGap) and ever since I have been curious to know how the bridge works. After lot of code walking, i saw that the Exec.js is the code where…
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4 answers

How to build apache cordova project from command line?

I've setup apache cordova on my Windows/Cygwin platform. I can create project using the command - cordova create . I have added android platform using the command - cordova platform add android I can run the sample 'html/css/js' using…
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1 answer

Pass two arguments with navigator.notification.confirm?

I'm trying to use the Phonegap notification to display an error message in my Phonegap app, and then allow the user to email the error. The only problem is I can't pass the error message to the callback function, rendering the email useless. The…
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Phonegap - Error - Keystore alias not recognized

I am strugging to sign an Android app using Phonegap Build I get the following error: Error - Keystore alias not recognized I am using this to create the keystore in my terminal: keytool -genkey -v -keystore name.keystore -alias alias -keyalg RSA…
2 answers

Is there any way to check reachability test of server in jQuery

Is there any way to check reachability test of server .If application not able to connect server then it show a alert? is there any thing method to check.. I check the internet connection .If there is no connection then i am showing a alert .But if…
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2 answers

cordova/phonegap 2.0 iOS

I get deprecation warnings for invokeString in Main and App .m files. I haven't seen any posts on how to fix this. So far it's working ok, just curious. self.viewController.invokeString = invokeString; <-'invokeString' is depcrecated
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WARNING: Slow defaults access for key Internal took xx seconds, tolerance is 0.020000

I have a weird problem with a phonegap iOS app. I have a version without adverts approved and working fine on the app store and a new version with adverts which has been rejected due to the app hanging on the splash screen. The difference in the…
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4 answers

Phonegap/Cordova too many logs CordovaLog Web Console

I am using the latest phonegap/cordova version 2.1. and I am getting too many logs in eclipse logcat: everything is logged twice using f.e. console.log("test") CordovaLog test Web Console test This could be disabled by a filter in eclipse, but…
Sebastian Viereck
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1 answer

EPIPE (Broken Pipe) Bug while using FileTransfer-plugin with cordova 2.0

I have a cordova 2.0 app for android. I use the FileTransfer Plugin, to load some Data to my server. The first time, the upload is performed, everything works fine. But then I get a EPIPE (Broken Pipe) error. If I simply push the upload-button…
Christian Kuetbach
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