Questions tagged [code-signing-certificate]

Code signing is a security technology, used in OS X, that allows you to certify that an app was created by you. Once an app is signed, the system can detect any change to the app—whether the change is introduced accidentally or by malicious code.

Code signing is a security technology that allows you to certify that an application was created by you. Once an application is signed, the system can detect any change to the application—whether the change is introduced accidentally or by malicious code.

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418 questions
9 answers

Code signing certificate for open-source projects?

I want to publish one of my applications as open-source and want to digitally sign the binaries I've created with my own certificate. (Of course, anyone else can just download the code and build it themselves with their own certificate.) I want to…
Wim ten Brink
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6 answers

Unable to fix signing identity issue on Xcode

I am not new to this but I am unable to fix my signing identity from Xcode Version 6.2 (6C86e). When I click fix issue on the following message: I get a pop up window saying: "The selected team's agent, 'Name Surname' must agree to the latest …
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12 answers

Automate Extended Validation (EV) code signing

We recently purchased a DigiCert EV code signing certificate. We are able to sign .exe files using signtool.exe. However, every time we sign a file, it prompts for the SafeNet eToken password. How can we automate this process, without user…
7 answers

Missing iOS Distribution signing identity

I deleted all my provisioning profiles from my Mac by mistake (Library/Mobile Device/Provisioning Profiles). Now, no matter what I do, Xcode gives me this error: Missing iOS Distribution signing identity How can I fix this?
Balázs Vincze
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2 answers

Creating an x509 v3 user certificate by signing CSR

I know how to sign a CSR using openssl, but the result certificate is an x509 v1, and not v3. I'm using the following commands: x509 -req -days 365 -in myCSR.csr -CA myCA.crt -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out userCertificate.crt I've searched…
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9 answers

iOS Missing or Invalid Signature: The bundle is not signed using an Apple Submission Certificate

I have been trying to sign my iOS app for about a week now and when I attempt to submit to the app store through Xcode and through Application Loader I keep running into this error: Application Loader Xcode: I am building the app with the Apache…
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3 answers

EV Code Signing certificate or Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft Authenticode

I developed a free personal finance application. It is a hobby for me. I have it on my website for download. I frequently (once a month or so) release a new version. So the file's hash changes. When the file is…
Sergei Overko
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2 answers

SSL certificate same as signing certificate?

Is a code signing certificate the same as a SSL certificate?
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3 answers

InnoSetup - Code Signing Certificate

I have just purchased a code signing certificate from Comodo. I have built a small MS Access database that I want to deploy with Inno Setup Installer. The script runs fine but I am completely new to code signing. How can I go about signing my…
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8 answers

Codesign returned unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff

I tried to code sign an iOS application, These are the steps that i followed security create-keychain -p password ${KEYCHAIN} security set-keychain-settings -u -t 300 ${KEYCHAIN} security list-keychains -d user -s login.keychain…
Madhu Avinash
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8 answers

No Certificates are available provisioning portal

Today I tried to upload a new version of my app, that uses Push Notifications, and XCode showed and error that I didnt have any valid Distribution profile. When I logged in the Provisioning Profile I saw that ALL my Distribution Profiles had…
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2 answers

Advantages with code-signing EV certificates other than the Smartscreen ones?

I have to buy a code-signing certificate, for signing Win32 applications, and I was considering whether to pick an EV one. The advantages of EV certificates I was able to find are: Immediate Smartscreen reputation establisment (instead of waiting…
4 answers

How to use an EV Code Signing Certificate on a virtual machine to sign an MSI

We recently purchased an EV Code Signing Certificate from DigiCert to sign our MSI to get around the Windows SmartScreen warning message. The problem is that the Certificate was delivered to a USB Token that does not allow the exporting of the…
Jim Carter
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5 answers

Missing private key iphone developer in keychain

I'm trying to run an application on my iPhone, but I'm having problems with the code signing identity. Actually I have two certificate in my keychains, one for the distribution, and one for developing that does not have the private key. I tried to…
3 answers

How to sign installation files of a Visual Studio .msi

I recently purchased an authenticode certificate from globalsign and am having problems signing my files for deployment. There are a couple of .exe files that are generated by a project and then put into a .msi. When I sign the .exe files with the…
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