Questions tagged [convector]

16 questions
1 answer

cannot execute npm run env:restart

I am trying to run a simple example here, so far I have setup the convector workspace by installing convector-cli and hurley, also did the npm install. When I try to run the npm run env:restart I get the following error stack trace. Error: No such…
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Can I deploy a rest api to Hyperledger Fabric without ca-server?

I have successfully follow the instructions of this repository fabric-network-on-swarm and created a swarm network and successfully install and instantiate my own chaincode that I had already created with convector. I have also created a…
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How to solve: Convector Hurley install error Error writing Chaincode package contents: no source files found in

When installing a chaincode with Hurley in a Convector project this error is launched: 2019-03-08 08:19:56.808 CST [node-platform] GetDeploymentPayload -> ERRO 003 Error writing folder to tar package no source files found in…
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Convector env:restart throws cryptogen: cannot execute binary file

Running npm run env:restart results in the following error: ... [hurley] - Running cryptoconfigsh /bin/bash: line 25: /Users/ecairol/hyperledger-fabric-network/fabric-binaries/1.3.0/bin/cryptogen: cannot execute binary file [hurley] - Found error…
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Deploy two fabric network on single machine || Hyperledger fabric2.0 Blockchain with convector cli

Could you please help me to deploy two fabric network on single machine so that it will run two different applications. when I create new application it will clear all data of other application(fabric network) from couchdb. How can we separately…
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cannot install chaincode using hurley hyperledger fabric

when i run hurl install "name-of-the-chain" node i receive an error saying "Failed to generate platform-specific docker build: Failed to pull hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:latest: API error (404)" , I've tried to change it in the core.yaml file but still…
0 answers

Convector controller don't add a model to blockchain

I am creating a university voting app with the convector suite when I add a candidate the blockchain returns success but I want to see the data it doesn't appear so this is the controller @Invokable() public async addcondidate ( …
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How to use Convector to querie CouchDB Rich Queries with JSON Objects?

I'm here with a problem with rich queries and convector chaincodes, everything works with mango queries, but when I pass content object it's is stringifyed and don't will be sent has an object, but is converted to a string…
2 answers

What's the best way to convert fabric model with _ (underscores) to a convector model or plain json/object

what's the best way to convert fabric model with _ (underscores) to a convector/json object when I receive a frabric model I'm receiving a model with underscores ex JSON.stringify(participant, undefined, 2) "{ "_id": "gov", "_identities": [ …
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How can I get participant/organization inside convector controllers?

I want to get participant model inside controller, but I only have identity/fingerprint.... The question is how to get the participant model?
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How to debug convector chaincode's without restart environment cc:restart?

I want to debug a chaincode, but npm script by default always use version 1.0 of chaincode, but I'm in version 1.7 and don't want to restart environment
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How can I create a model property with array of strings and a relationship to other model

I require some properties in models, like array of strings, and direct relationship to other model
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How to create a 'common package' to share common logic in convector packages?

I want to create a common package to share common login in convector chain code...this is useful has the project grows and we want to share common blocks of code, utils and other useful code to don't dry the project, or hard-code strings but how can…
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Convector Framework CLI returns error when installing chaincode

I am very new to the Hyperledger Fabric and Convector Framework and I have followed this tutorial: When I try to use the CLI tool and run the command (test is my chaincode name): npm…
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Lerna issue - Convector project "'.controller.ts' is not under 'rootDir' 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files"

When a Lerna command fails (calling lerna add lerna bootstrap), the project may break and experience some of the following issues: Project folders erased Compile (tsc) errors like File…