Questions tagged [contentful]

Contentful is a cloud based CMS framework using a RESTful JSON API.

Provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike many other content management systems, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management, and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enables developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.

605 questions
5 answers

contentful api markdown conversion to HTML

Is there any simple way to convert markdown text from contentful api to render into html code to be display on html page. I have tried using pagedown and some similar techniques , but none seem to work for me .
Vineeta Mehta
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1 answer

How to use GraphQL fragment on multiple types

I have a Gatsby project with very similar GraphQL queries for two different types of content: regular pages and wiki articles. Page by slug export const query = graphql` query($slug: String!) { page: contentfulPage(slug: {eq: $slug}) { …
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2 answers

Contentful Javascript API - looking up an entry by slug

I see how to query an Entry by the ID. Is there a way to lookup by slug? That is what I really want to do. Thanks!
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1 answer

Gatsby.js: Preprocessing Relative Path Links in Markdown

I'm wondering if there's a way, possibly by creating a plugin for gatsby-transformer-remark, that relative-path links could be converted to act as if they were using from gatsby-link. For instance, say I have the following in a markdown…
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1 answer

Gatsby.js: Filter GraphQL query by nested object property

I'm working on a news site which will have articles, each with one or multiple respective authors. If you click on an author's name, it will take you to a page displaying their information and a list of articles they have contributed to. So each…
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5 answers

Accessing your Contentful space failed with gatsby-source-contentful

gatsby: 2.20.8 gatsbh-source-contentful: 2.2.5 I've verified my spaceId and accessToken are correct, and I've verified that these keys have access to my Contentful development environment. I've tried: Enabling GATSBY_CONTENTFUL_OFFLINE Deleting…
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3 answers

Getting Error "Elements in iteration expect to have 'v-bind:key' directives vue/require-v-for-key" in index.vue

I am new to vue.js. I have a simple index.vue which tries to connect to contentful and display the entries from contentful. My code in index.vue looks like this: