Questions tagged [contentful]

Contentful is a cloud based CMS framework using a RESTful JSON API.

Provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike many other content management systems, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management, and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enables developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.

605 questions
1 answer

rails delete_if using hashes to ignore current article (Middleman)

I've got an easy one for you guys. I want to have a featured content section where the current article is EXCLUDED So this works using Middleman Blog with delete_if: <% blog(content).articles.delete_if{|item| item == current_article}.each do…
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2 answers

iOS UITableView Cell Indentation

I am setting up a UITableView programmatically. I would like the content of the cell to span the entire width of the screen. I have successfully set the cell to span the width of the screen, but the content and separators are still inset…
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How to clear NextJs GetStaticPaths cache / "unpublish" a dynamic route?

I think this is quite a vanilla question but I can't find anything on Google. I'm learning NextJs (using TypeScript) and I've got a site successfully working with dynamic routes, SSR, and incremental regeneration all setup and deployed to Vercel.…
Alex Norcliffe
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0 answers

Angular 6 PWA service worker not serving content offline

I'm trying to set up a PWA with Angular 6 and having trouble to make the service worker serve content offline. I tried a lot of configurations and stuff for a couple of days now but with no success. The service worker seems to be registered and…
4 answers

Setting environment variables in Gatsby

I used this tutorial: Steps I followed: 1) install dotenv@4.0.0 2) Create two files in root folder: ".env.development" and ".env.production" 3) "follow their setup…
2 answers

Filtering Contentful Query on Linked Objects

I'm attempting to utilize Contentful on a current project of mine and I'm trying to understand how to filter my query results based on a field in a linked object. My top level object contains a Link defined as such: "name": "Service_Description", …
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Hiding contentful Space id and access token, client side javascript file

I am new in contentful and I am trying to display content from contentful to a web page. I am displaying the content using contentful.js, I wanted to know How can i hide these information(space id and access token values) from public users when i am…
R. Mani
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4 answers

Friendlier way to Retrieve Content Types with Contentful

I'm evaluating as the Content Engine for an Angular SPA. The issue I'm facing is with retrieving entries by content type (e.g. get all entries of type "blog"). As described in the documentation example, this is done as…
1 answer

Format string with line breaks into paragraphs

I'm using Contentful CMS to manage content and pulling in the content with their API. The content get pulled in as a json object. One of the keys in the object is for the main block of text for the entry I am pulling. The string has no actual code…
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1 answer API order / sort query

For anyone who has experience using the API, I'm trying to query and sort by field name and currently getting a "ServerError". An example of the query that's being generated against their example API (with "" as the…
Kevin Bluer
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2 answers

Gatsby Contentful embedded image

As I see there is no json option anymore when querying the contentfulBlogPost only raw. I was able to make some changes to get everything from the body, except the image from that post. If I made a test in GraphQL Playground I can get the image id…
5 answers

Environment variables not working (Next.JS 9.4.4)

So i'm using the Contentful API to get some content from my account and display it in my Next.Js app (i'm using next 9.4.4). Very basic here. Now to protect my credentials, i'd like to use environment variables (i've never used it before and i'm new…
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1 answer

Where to store information about executed Contentful migrations?

So our Contentful-based application has grown a little bit and we have to create content migrations for new features etc. And to prevent executing the same migration multiple times we think we must store info about executed migrations - but…
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2 answers

Graphql contentful query with error 'cannot query field'

I'm using gatsbyJS with contentful. When I start to query any contentful content I don´t get the support from graphql. When I start to type "allContentful*" no contentful stuff appears: When i do a query, the query works. But the underline is red…
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2 answers

How do you handle an array of multiple types (ex: different content blocks) in GraphQL?

Let's say I have a page builder field that references many different types of content blocks. Video Quote Advertisement etc... From what I've read, having multiple types in an array is discouraged. But what else are you supposed to do in a case…
Andrew Folts
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