Questions tagged [confirmation-email]

68 questions
1 answer

Laravel 4: how to make confirmation email?

I have made until now an app with login/register and it works fine. After the registration a welcome email is sent. But what i would like to do is to send a link, within that mail, that only after clicking on it, it is possible to login. Like the…
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Symfony2 FosuserBundle: RE-send registration confirmation email

Framework PHP: Symfony2.6 Problem: I would like to add the following functionality to FosUserBundle: "The admin can re-send the registration confirmation email to a specific user" (in the admin section of the website). I've already built the "user…
Igor Carmagna
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3 answers

Devise / ActionMailer sending duplicate emails for registration confirmation

My rails application uses devise to handle registration, authentication, etc. I'm using the confirmable module. The bug is this– when a user registers with email, Devise is sending two confirmation emails with different confirmation links. One link…
1 answer

Rails Devise: "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing" instead of "You will receive an email with instructions.."

I have setup Devise on Rails 4.2.0 and everything seems to be working, I used the guide at: My devise modules are: devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,…
5 answers

How do I send an email confirmation link to the user

I am developing a website where I need to send confirmation link to the user's e-mail account when he/she signs-up. When user clicks this link then a field userEnable in database changes from "false" to "true". How do I send a confirmation e-mail…
Saman Zia
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MVC design pattern model logic

According to the MVC design pattern, if we create a user (database work) and we have to send a mail with an activation code to the user, would this fit in the model or in the controller, after the model created the database record?
2 answers

Why Do We Send Confirmation Emails?

What good does it do to require the user to provide an email address, just so we send him/her one email to complete the registration process? It certainly won't protect against (D)DoS attacks, and I don't see how it increases security.
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Rails : Devise : make `reset password` use `confirmation resend` if user is unconfirmed

Given the user is either waiting for a confirmation email or has been given one, how can I ensure they do not use the reset password process and force them to go through the standard confirmation forms (using the confirmation email). In my case the…
Will Williams
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registering users: both captchas and confirmation emails?

Consider a new website in development where it requires the users to register for a service. Lots of sites require a confirm by email and by having the user enter captchas. What's the usage of both these devices? If a site has a captcha…
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how do I confirm old users retroactively with Devise?

I started using Devise without :confirmable. Now I've added it, and my users are being told to confirm their account, even though many have registered over a year ago. I need to programmatically confirm all old users in the db. How can I do this?
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Google-Analytics: How do I add an e-mail link as the final step of a goal?

I send a confirmation link via e-mail (in multiple places) but it seems Analytics doesn't recognize those clicks (given URL is visited) unless the visit immediate. I am guessing the last part is about session expiration. How can I define my goal…
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magento confirmation mail being send before payment processing when using soap api

I am using magento soap api v2, and using a payment gateway service. when creating an order, the confirmation email is sent even before processing the payment. How can i send email only when the payment is successful? I checked the source code of my…
1 answer

Magento Order Confirmation Emails - Send the email again to sales only

Our sales team didn't receive the order confirmation email for 5 different orders. The cause of this problem is still unknown but they are asking if we can send the order confirmation emails to them again, without sending it to the client. The "Send…
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How to send emails with return-receipts in Ruby on Rails?

I have to send automatic emails with Return Receipt (aka "acknowledgement of receipt"), to have the confirmation that the receiver have actually received and read the email. The confirmation is a simple email sent to a specified address (the…
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Rails 4 Devise 3 confirmation token invalid when no password required

I can not successfully confirm my user. Many posts have been made about an invalid token but most of them were due to the changes from Devise 2 to Devise 3. That is not my issue. I over rid my user confirmation…
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