Questions tagged [concurrently]

35 questions
3 answers

NPM run build with React + Node + concurrently How to?

I have spend hours trying to figure this out any advice is welcome. The objective here is to assemble a postbuild script that will work on a nodeJS app running a react client. React is on post 3000 and node is on 5000. So it requires the…
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Is it possible to configure concurrently to run a task sequentially?

My NPM package has the following scripts to Start MongoDB. Build an angular app and having it watched with any changes. Start an express server using nodemon. "scripts": { "start_db": "mongod", "start_client": "ng build --output-path…
Kelvin Ho
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Concurrently npm with React Js

I have a project which is created using Node express and React Js. The server(Node) package.json as follows. It uses concurrently to start both server and client as once using npm run dev. The server uses port 5000 and the client uses port 3000 And…
test team
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running multiple node.js applications effectively

I am a node newbie. I have 3 node applications (each serves different protocols, one of them is web) that should run in an embedded device with limited memory, say 256M. I assume starting 3 node instances would start 3 isolated V8. Should I use the…
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concurrently' is not working in npm start

I am getting this error while running npm start to run react scripts and electron parallelly. PS C:\NotMyuserName\user\Desktop\PSlab\pslab-desktop> npm start > pslab@2.4.0 start C:\Users\user\Desktop\PSlab\pslab-desktop > concurrently 'npm run…
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How can i run php script concurrently?

I want to run this piece of code concurrently. There is a txt file in the directory named as id.txt where all parameters are replace in the Cookie in headers below. If I'm running this by opening 10 cmd tabs then the process gets slow. So please…
1 answer

Can't run strapi and react concurrently

I was truing to run strapi and react in strapi's public directory concurrently but having problems. [1] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE [1] npm ERR! errno 1 [1] npm ERR! public@0.1.0 start: `react-scripts start` [1] npm ERR! Exit status 1 [1] npm ERR! [1]…
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Errors on 'concurrently "npm run server" "npm run client" with MERN

First of all, I would like to apologize for the spelling mistakes, I'm not very good. I have a problem whilethe starting my mern server... I want to run it with with "npm run dev". This command line execute "npm run server" and "npm run…
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2 answers

How to chain npm script call after each ng serve build?

I'm trying to chain the ng serve script call while running but when I've ran this command the second chained script build-components.js runs only on first call. I thought concurrently package here would allow both scripts to run in sequence…
Brian J
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How can I start my node server and react app at the same time?

I created an API using express and I want to use it in my front-end server, the issue is that in order for my api to work I have to constantly run it on a server. However I can't do that simultaneously running my react application. So my question is…
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How to run an application in codesandbox with different subfolder for backend and frontend

I want to get a codesandbox for an app I am working on... The project now has two different subfolders named backend and frontend... How can that be done? I am sending for you my packages.json file content: { "name": "projeto_aplicado", …
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Concurrently a conccurent npm package

I want to run concurrently a concurrent command. I dont know the best way to explain it but here is my explanation, i want to run npm run dev from server side, but it wont work, npm run electron-client is a concurrent script from client side. How do…
0 answers

Video compression during upload

I am interested if I can do the video compression and upload to server simultaneously on the client side to get some speedups during post creation. As soon as I start submission, RN should start compression of selected video and start upload of…
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Run muptiple scripts at once in one terminal

So I have a 2 repo app (frontend, backend). I want to be able to run these apps at the same time with one command. So I tried using concurrently I have these commands: ./backend/package.json "scripts": { "build": "webpack --config…
Alex Ironside
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1 answer

Getting an error when using concurrently to run front and backend

When I run npm run dev, I am getting this error: [1] npm ERR! code ENOENT [1] npm ERR! syscall open [1] npm ERR! path C:\Users\reaga\Desktop\Projects\weather-app-v3\api\client/package.json [1] npm ERR! errno -4058 [1] npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no…
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