Questions tagged [strapi]

Strapi is an open-source Node.js headless CMS built on top of Koa. It's frontend-agnostic and claims to not be an MVC framework. It auto-generate RESTful endpoints and has support for GraphQL and WebSockets.

1299 questions
4 answers

I am Getting Strapi Api Calling Error:{"statusCode":403,"error":"Forbidden","message":"Forbidden"}

I am working with strapi and i am getting an error 403 Forbidden on calling an api e.g http://localhost:1337/data I've called all the APIs and the result is same 403 error I've tried it with postman also. In the api route.js file i have this: { …
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Can you restrict access to parts of strapi admin?

Using Strapi to build an API. Love most of it, but it seems access to the admin interface is all or nothing; you can't hide the more advanced aspects of admin for users who should only be able to add/edit content...? Am I missing something? How is…
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1 answer

Understanding how strapi relations works

I'm new to strapi and in general with back end development and I'm trying to understand how a very small things should work. I have a User model, a Profile model and a Fare model. A User can have a Profile so I created a relation has and belongs to…
Ayeye Brazo
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3 answers

What are the key differences between KeystoneJS and Strapi as tools to create CMS-driven apps?

I'm leaning towards the idea that I'd use Keystone (as-is) for a standard, server-driven multi-page app and strapi when i want to stick Vue/React/Angular on the front-end for a SPA? Since it has a template/view already baked in, Keystone might be…
8 answers

How do I return only selected certain fields in Strapi?

Pretty straightforward (I hope). I'd like to be able to use the API endpoint and have it only return specified fields. I.E. something like this http://localhost:1337/api/reference?select=["name"] Would ideally return something of the form [{"name":…
Andrew Duensing
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1 answer

Best way for internationalization with Gatsby and Strapi

In my company, we are building a static website using Gatsby framework and the Strapi headless CMS. My question is how to deal with i18n? First, I know that is a difficult question and there is not one answer, but different answers depending of the…
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5 answers

How to change logo of strapi on admin panel left menu?

I am running the strapi project and need to change strapi login screen logo. I have replaced logo in plugins > user-permissions > admin > src > assets > images > logo_strapi.png and running the command npm run setup --plugins but after that it's not…
Varis Bhalala
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1 answer

Running Strapi in production and version control sync issues

I'm wondering what the best practice is for running Strapi in production. I noticed that Strapi generates new files when a content type is added. This means that the production environment's files will become out of sync with version control. Is…
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3 answers

How to fix the error "The target polymorphic type "components_COMPNENT_NAME is not one of the defined target types"

I successfully updated the component using the PUT command, and after that Strapi threw the error: Error: The target polymorphic type "components_COMPONENT_NAME" is not one of the defined target types The command I used to update the Strapi…
Oksana B
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1 answer

Strapi : What is the Content and API migration strategy

Strapi is a powerful tool, but I am unable to find any documentation/instructions which explain about the best practices/strategy to migrate contents from one environment to another, for example Dev to staging to production ? If you got a lot of…
Dev G
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1 answer

Adding strapi to an express server

I want to build a self-hosted website with nodejs and the express framework because I'm already familar with that. However, using a CMS for this project is a requirement, so I'm looking for a suited and easy-to-use/-learn CMS and discovered strapi…
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1 answer

Strapi CMS, Heroku error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host

Three months ago, I created an Strapi App that has deployed on Heroku, and everything works fine. I used macOS 10.13.6 and node 14.15.4 for the local environment The configuration of database was created inside a file named database.js which located…
1 answer

Rich content in Strapi rendering with no space between paragraphs

I'm using markdown-it with nuxt to render my article content (rich text) to html from strapi. The text renders but the spacing between paragraphs is not included. I can use
tag on rich text editor on strapi to create line breaks but shouldn't…
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2 answers

Recommended way to use GraphQL in Next.js app

In my apps, I am using following NPM modules to play with Strapi, GraphQL and Next.js: react-apollo next-apollo graphql gql recompose In the next step, I am creating Apollo config file, example below: import { HttpLink } from…
Mario Boss
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6 answers

Flutter SocketException (SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused, errno = 111, address = localhost, port = 51500)

I am Using open Source Node.js Headless CMS this is my code for registerpage void _registerUser() async { http.Response response = await'http://localhost:1337/auth/local/register', body: { "username": _userName, …
Sagar Shende
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