Questions tagged [concourse]

For questions related to pipeline-based CI system Concourse written in Go.

Concourse is an open source continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system designed for teams that practice test-driven development and continuous delivery.

Teams automate delivery of their software as pipelines which execute testing, packaging, and deployment as often as every commit.

Concourse pipelines are configured via YAML. Pipelines can scale to projects of any complexity. Pipelines are displayed visually to show the status of build runs.

Concourse provides dependable, repeatable results that behave the same in any Concourse deployment, on any cloud.

Concourse provides a wide variety of predefined integrations with external systems, and an open approach for defining custom integrations.

See also: - Documentation - GitHub Repository

372 questions
6 answers

Terminate docker compose when test container finishes

I am currently running a docker-compose stack for basic integration tests with a protractor test runner, a nodejs server serving a web page and a wildfly server serving a java backend. The stack is run from a dind(docker in docker) container in my…
David Karlsson
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1 answer

Concourse CI: leverage docker image cache

I totally understand that Concourse is meant to be stateless, but nevertheless is there any way to re-use already pulled docker images? In my case, I build ~10 docker images which have the same base image, but each time build is triggered Concourse…
Max Romanovsky
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5 answers

session not created: Chrome version must be between 71 and 75 - while running angular e2e in Concourse

While executing e2e test in concourse, I'm getting the below error, where it looks like the chromedriver is not getting updated. While similar problems were discussing about chrome version falling behind, in my case, the chrome stable version is…
Prasanth Mohan
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1 answer

Concourse: how to pass job's output to a different job

It's not clear for me from the documentation if it's even possible to pass one job's output to the another job (not from task to task, but from job to job). I don't know if conceptually I'm doing the right thing, maybe it should be modeled…
Max Romanovsky
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2 answers

Access Token for Dockerhub

I created a repository on and now want to push my image to the Dockerhub using my credentials. I am wondering whether I have to use my username and password or whether I can create some kind of access token to push the docker…
Michael Lihs
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0 answers

Does concourse task override docker image entrypoint?

I have a pipeline that looks like this: jobs: - name: master public: true plan: - get: master-git trigger: true - get: my-build-image - task: "Run integration tests" image: my-build-image privileged: true config: …
Javier Holguera
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2 answers

Is it possible to build a docker image without pushing it?

I want to build a docker image in my pipeline and then run a job inside it, without pushing or pulling the image. Is this possible?
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1 answer

Why does Concourse `get` a resource after `put`ing it?

When I configure the following pipeline: resources: - name: my-image-src type: git source: uri: - name: my-image type: docker-image source: repository: concourse/static-golang username:…
Alex Suraci
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1 answer

How to commit changes to git in Concourse build?

During Concourse build of Java application I want to: Checkout git master branch Run mvn package If it was successful: increment the SNAPSHOT version in Maven's pom.xml commit it back to the master branch with [skip ci] commit message prefix push…
Max Romanovsky
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2 answers

Concourse with Windows Containers

I try to setup a concourse build server ( that supports as many languages/platforms as possible. I've read that beginning with Windows Server 2016 it will be possible to have Windows as containers. As concourse writes on its…
3 answers

How to cache maven repository between builds?

My goal is to be able to build, package and test a java project that is built with maven using a councourse build pipeline. The setup as such is in place, and everything runs fine, but build times are much too long due to poor maven download rates…
Sebastian Schuth
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4 answers

How to install Fly CLI to mac

I download the latest version of the Fly cli to ~/Downloads then cd to ~/Downloads cd ~/Downloads mv fly_darwin_amd64 fly install fly then I do fly and i get -bash: fly: command not found Is one of my…
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1 answer

rest api to trigger a concourse pipeline/job

I am able to use the below code to do a get request on the concourse api to fetch the pipeline build details. However post request to trigger the pipeline build does not work and no error is reported . Here is the code url =…
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2 answers

How to send email via Concourse CI pipeline?

How can I set an email to be sent upon completion or failure of a job in Concourse?
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3 answers

Concourse CI - how to run functional tests?

we are in the middle of process migrating from Jenkins to Concourse CI and everything was pretty smooth so far. But now I have the issue, that I don't know how to solve. I would like to get any advices from the community. What I am trying to do is a…
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