Questions tagged [concourse]

For questions related to pipeline-based CI system Concourse written in Go.

Concourse is an open source continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system designed for teams that practice test-driven development and continuous delivery.

Teams automate delivery of their software as pipelines which execute testing, packaging, and deployment as often as every commit.

Concourse pipelines are configured via YAML. Pipelines can scale to projects of any complexity. Pipelines are displayed visually to show the status of build runs.

Concourse provides dependable, repeatable results that behave the same in any Concourse deployment, on any cloud.

Concourse provides a wide variety of predefined integrations with external systems, and an open approach for defining custom integrations.

See also: - Documentation - GitHub Repository

372 questions
2 answers

Concourse CI junit test

I am new to concourse CI. Can someone point me to the right direction? I would like to know how I can run junit using concourse CI. Thanks in advance for your assistance. -Dd
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How to setup concourse without access to the Internet?

I've got an internal docker registry, internal DNS, etc. Access to the larger Internet is blocked except http/https via a proxy, which I'd like to avoid anyway. UDP calls to are also blocked, in case you're wondering. I'm trying to set 2.7.0…
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How to configure dns for concourse build container?

Is it possible to configure the dns for the concourse build container. I know there is a build_args: argument with the docker-image-resource but I am unable get it to replicate the following docker build parameter--dns=IP_ADDRESS... Has anyone done…
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Unable to pull docker image with concourse - Verifying Checksum error

I am unable to pull docker images with concourse, it was working fine earlier today but suddenly stopped working.It basically halts.. e9c5e611068d: Pulling fs layer .. f9cf24c26853: Waiting ff82d8c50b3d: Waiting ... ab3f544d71c3: Verifying…
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s3-ressource : how to specify content-type?

I need to upload translations file asset on S3 using the concourse s3-ressouce with a "application/json" content-type. Although, the content-type set in aws-s3 is always "binary/octet-stream". It seems to be the default value set when concourse…
2 answers

How to configure Github to work with Concourse CI?

What is the best way to configure Github with concourse CI, concourse is up and running on a box. How do I go from declaring a pipeline.yml in a git repo to it automatically propagating to concourse server.
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1 answer

Concourse tasks that check uname on different images

From the Stark Concourse tutorial The following task will run the uname command with the -a switch on a docker-image tagged "14.04": --- platform: linux image_resource: type: docker-image source: {repository: ubuntu, tag: "14.04"} run: path:…
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Go binaries for concourse ci tasks

What are some good patterns for using go in concourse-ci tasks. For example, should I build files locally with all dependencies and check-in cross-compiled binaries to the repo? Should I build on concourse prior to running the task? Examples of what…
Andy Hume
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Concourse cant put docker image to local repo, not a vaild repository/tag

Concourse cant build and deploy to docker, I get this error: invalid argument "" for t: Error parsing reference: "" is not a valid …
David Karlsson
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concourse ci does not trigger on certain committed files

First, I do know that if I use [ci skip] in the commit message to GitHub it should not trigger based upon the commit message. However, I am only committing one file to GitHub. So instead of using this commit message, is there a way to exclude…
Chris Bolton
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Concorse web-ui container keeps dying

I'm trying to test out concourse on an ubuntu 14.04 ec2 instance. I am attempting to use the containerized version of the software with the docker-compose example shown here in the documentation. However on any attempt the concourse-web container…
Alex Cohen
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Exposed Service unreachable

I am trying to run the following Kubernetes module which builds a Concourse Web UI & Scheduler along with the Postgresql dependency through this: However, the issue I am having is that expose mechanism…
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1 answer

Pull from multiple SCM then mv file in Concourse CI to workdir

I've been banging my head on this one for quite some time and I cannot figure it out (I know it must be a simple thing to do though). Currently, what I'm trying to do is pulling from two repositories (which naturally creates two separate…
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failed to connect to connection refused

I have concourse , sonarqube server running inside containers and when i am trying to connect to sonarqube server using concourse, it is showing me error i.e SonarQube server [http://localhost:9000] can not be reached
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2 answers

Provide Proxy Information to Job

Wondering if anyone has come across this: Is it possible to provide proxy information to Concourse job? Something along lines of this: - name: bosh-deploy-0 ... jobs: - name: deploybosh properties: http_proxy_url:…
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