Questions tagged [component-services]

24 questions
4 answers

The module ".dll" was loaded but the entry-point was not found

I have a DLL which cause to an error when I run the application. The error says that the service is not registered. So I run command regsvr32 with the name of the DLL. But it gives me an error, now the error is: The module 'mydll.dll' was loaded…
st mnmn
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2 answers

Difference between "traditional" COM and COM+ (in Component Services)

By the "traditional" way I mean registering the DLL in registry. There seems to be another method to set up it by going to mmc->Component Services->COM+ Applications and adding the .tlb file. I have a COM library that supports both methods. When it…
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Install package for COM+

How can I create a msi for COM+ component? Is it possible to create the install package using Visual Studio and have it registered so that it shows up under component services? I currently have it set up using visual studio and the COM+ file is set…
1 answer

Problem finding office DCOM in Component Services in Windows 7

I have a problem getting my word and excel to work in ASP .NET. I get the error message: {System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the…
Tomas I
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1 answer

Getting "Error registering COM+ Application"

I have a COM+ application that i am trying to install manually by double clicking on the .msi file but it gives error and fails to install the COM+ application. It doesn't create any entry in Component Services as well due to this error. I tried…
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Debugging a VB6 ActiveX DLL called via VBScript in a Classic ASP Application

Whelp, I avoided it as long as possible, but the time has finally come to make some changes to some ancient VB6 code. I'm a recent college grad so I was hoping to stay away from this code that is almost as old as I am. The DLL is compiled in a local…
1 answer

Programmatically read MS DTC Transaction Component Services Timeout in C#

I am currently working on a small application in C# to check several errors and timeout settings of Transactions using Microsoft DTC. I found the MSDTC Manager at CodeProject ( which was very…
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Automation Error when calling COM+ component on Windows 8.1

I have a legacy VB6 application that makes calls to a COM+ component written in C# (targeting .NET Framework v2) for TCP/IP communications. This mode of operation has worked across various operating systems and has been successfully deployed to…
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1 answer

log4net - Tracing problems with logging configuration

I have a .NET object that is COM visible and installed in a component services application to make it visible for some legacy code. The component services application is configured with an application root directory. In the application root…
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1 answer

COM+ Methods (How to Look Inside?)

I'm having to update one of our ancient Intranet applications that was written in Classic ASP and utilizes an in-house COM+ Service. I cannot find the source code to this object anywhere and it was not documented by the developer. I can view the…
0 answers

Can you change credentials of MMC snap-in?

I am wondering if you can change the identity of a MMC snap-in using commands, powershell or any other method? I am trying to change the username and password of an application and I figured I may be able to do it with powershell but im not certain.…
1 answer

Component Service and C#

I have a VB6 COM dll that I've wrapped in COM+ (component services). For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the reference to the service imported/working in C#. Google isn't helping me at all. Nothing shows up in the add a reference dialog…
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How to root cause why COM+ is locking DLLs?

I have an application that has to be installed in COM+. Installation via RegSvcs works fine, however when I try to uninstall the application a number of DLLs are locked and remain in the install folder. Note that this only happens after I make a…
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1 answer

MSMQ or Component Services or what?

We've built an advert impression and clicks tracking system for a client and ever since we deployed it's absolutely killing our production web server. My thoughts are that one page contains up to 5 adverts and if 10 users hit the site…
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Can't get Worldwide Web Publishing Service working in Windows 10

I had to reinstall Windows today to solve some other problems with corrupted drivers. Everything was going well until I tried to start IIS, but the Worldwide Web Publishing Service wasn't running. I tried to start it and received a message that it…
Daniel Anderson
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