Questions tagged [msmq]

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a message queuing implementation developed by Microsoft and deployed as part of its Windows platform since 1996. MSMQ is included on most versions of Windows but it's not installed by default.

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a message queuing implementation developed by Microsoft and deployed as part of its Windows platform since 1996. MSMQ is included on most versions of Windows but it's not installed by default.

1966 questions
2 answers

The bare minimum needed to write a MSMQ sample application

I have been researching for over an hour and finding great samples of how to use MSMQ in C# and even one full chapter of a book about Message Queue...But for a quick test all I need is to cover is this scenario, not even in a perfect way, just for a…
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4 answers

nServiceBus vs Mass Transit vs Rhino Service Bus vs other?

Just doing some quick spikes into possibly using a messaging system to process files that are in a nicely decoupled work flow system. What are the pro's and cons that people have found of using each of the above frameworks? What are the advantages…
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1 answer

Comparison between RabbitMQ and MSMQ

Can I get the comparison between RabbitMQ and MSMQ. It will be helpful performance information on different factors are available.
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9 answers

What is Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)? How does it work?

I need to work with MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing). What is it, what is it for, how does it work? How is it different from web services?
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11 answers

Access to Message Queuing system is denied

I am trying to access queue message from my host, while trying to get message i am getting "Access to Message Queuing system is denied." message. Don't know how to solve this issue. I am using Windows 7 as client system and server is Windows 2008 R2…
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6 answers

MSMQ Message Viewer?

I have messages in a MSMQ queue and I would like to view the full message. I know I can write code to peek the queue, but was wondering if there is a viewer that already exists that will let me read the entire message?
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10 answers

Is there a way to check how many messages are in a MSMQ Queue?

I was wondering if there is a way to programmatically check how many messages are in a private or public MSMQ using C#? I have code that checks if a queue is empty or not using the peek method wrapped in a try/catch, but I've never seen anything…
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3 answers

Correlate MSMQ End-to-End trace with WCF Trace and application level logging

Background: I'm troubleshooting a problem where messages sent by WCF over transactional MSMQ (with netMsmqBinding) seem to disappear. The code that uses WCF is in a third-party assembly which I cannot change. I have few clues to what the problem is,…
Lars Andreas Ek
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2 answers

What does Windows Service Bus add to MSMQ?

I'd like to make an informed choice towards a simple publish/subscribe architecture. So I'm wondering: what does the Service Bus add that MSMQ can't do? What are the drawbacks of the Service Bus? Thx for enlightening me!
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6 answers

How do I prevent a WCF service from enter a faulted state?

I have a WCF Service that should not enter the faulted state. If there's an exception, it should be logged and the service should continue uninterrupted. The service has a one-way operation contract and is reading messages from an MSMQ. My problems…
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8 answers

Queue alternatives to MSMQ on Windows?

If you want to use a queuing product for durable messaging under Windows, running .NET 2.0 and above, which alternatives to MSMQ exist today? I know of ActiveMQ (, and I've seen references to WSMQ (pointing to…
Thomas Lundström
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6 answers

MSMQ: What can cause a "Insufficient resources to perform operation" error when receiving from a queue?

MSMQ: What can cause a "Insufficient resources to perform operation" error when receiving from a queue? At the time the queue only held 2,000 messages with each message being about 5KB in size.
Jonathan Allen
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4 answers

How to research unmanaged memory leaks in .NET?

I have a WCF service running over MSMQ. Memory gradually increases over time, indicating that there is some sort of memory leak. I ran the service locally and monitored some counters using PerfMon. Total CLR memory managed heap bytes remains…
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2 answers

No permission to access a private MSMQ

On an XP machine there is a private messagequeue that was created by a .net service. When I want to access this private queue in a VB6 application I keep getting an "Access is denied" error. So it seems this is a security issue, only I don't…
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4 answers

Writing to a remote MSMQ

Okay, here is a very simple and fundamental question. If I have an application on windows machine A that wants to write to a queue on windows machine B, do I need to have MSMQ installed on machine A (even though there is no queue there)? I am just…
Dan Appleyard
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