Questions tagged [commit-message]

The message associated with commits in a version control system.

Questions marked with this tag may be:

  • about style/how to write helpful messages
  • related to automated commit hooks (be sure to include a tag for the version control system you're using)

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117 questions
1 answer

I have added a folder with say 10 files and committed the changes.

Now I have removed 5 of those files and I want to amend these changes to the last commit.I havent pushed the commit..Am using gerrit. However when I do git status it shows me Changes not staged for commit->the 5 files which are deleted and untracked…
1 answer

Custimize Error Message for hook "commit-msg" in Egit on Windows

As the title says .. I am trying to set up a commit-msg hook in an eclipse project/git repo. I just added the script into my .git folder and from the command line the hook triggers, and i get my Error message. #!/bin/bash ISSUE_KEY=`some-regex` if…
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1 answer

Search for TODO in added lines and show them as default commit message in TortoiseGit on Windows

I use TortoiseGit on Windows. Everytime I start a new commit, the following shall happen: Search for added or modified lines containing " TODO" Add these lines to the commit message (meant as a warning) Show commit dialog with the prepared commit…
Tim Pohlmann
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1 answer

Changing lots of git commit messages

Apparently I mistyped my email a long time ago, whenever I was setting up git, and so my email has been incorrect in many repositories (I typed a 0 instead of an o). I sign all of my commits, so in almost every commit in every repo for years it's…
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0 answers

Use GitHub username and not profile name for commit messages

The GitHub account username is e.g mojombo and the profile-name ist Tom Preston-Werner: Is there a way to make GitHub use the username and not the profile-name for commit-messages?
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1 answer

how to make git pre-commit behavior depend on commit message?

I know that to make git check the commit message before committing you can implement hooks/commit-msg. But now imagine a case where you want to let the hooks/pre-commit script behave differently based on the commit message? For example (in a very…
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3 answers

how to (unobtrusively) specify commit messages in your editor/ide

Background: the current text editor i am using does not have built-in support for git. Nevertheless, it has support for user-created addons, so I made one for auto-commiting to the repository each time I save a file. Although auto-saving to the…
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1 answer

Make Git commit message reflect edited TFS changeset comment

TL;DR As described in this post, I changed a TFS changeset comment. How can I get this to be reflected in the corresponding Git commit in my local Git repository, using Git-Tfs? Verbose version I'm a Git-Tfs user. My workflow is such that I try to…
Keith Pinson
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0 answers

Jenkins: capture git commit message

Possible Duplicate: Get access to Build Changelog in Jenkins We have a Jenkins CI server setup that is doing rubymotion testflight builds. Rubymotion allows a message to be sent to testflight as 'notes' on that build. We are interested in…
Miriam H.
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2 answers

What terms do you use to describe the nature of a refactorization?

Currently I'm trying to write a good commit comment for a code refactoring I've made. And I feel like I'm missing a word to sum up what I did instead of describing it. Right now my description is: "Code refactor to improve decoupling inside the…
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1 answer

git-filter-repo callback commit or callback message and --preserve-commit-hashes not working?

I'm trying to update commit messages but on same time to keep the same hash. i try both options --message-callback and --commit-callback but no mater which one i choose, it generates new hashes. Here how i do that: python3…
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0 answers

How we can enforce Jira-ID validation in Commit Msg

I'm looking the possibilities to enforce the Jira-ID validation for each commit message that pushed to our GitHub. We have successfully integrated same policy in our gerrit through "its-jira" plugin. Similarly in GitHub mandatorily to validate the…
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2 answers

WebStorm: continue merge with generated commit message after resolving conflicts

I tried to merge one branch with my current branch and got some conflicts. I manually resolved them and clicked apply. WebStorm tried to continue merge but failed because of my pre-commit hooks, which gave me some linting errors. I manually fixed…
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1 answer

Could git open vim editor at line N whenever we are creating commit?

I working in a project where each commit in a branch MUST start with Story PRJCT-NAME-42 Task description And must contain a message like this Story PRJCT-NAME-42 Task description foo bar description I've created a custom message and stored in…
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2 answers

Could not set the svn commit message in ccnet

I made a CCNET task to commit changes in a setup project after all msbuild tasks have successfully finished. Commit changes in the setup project file to SVN commit -m "Commmit…
charlie faith
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