Questions tagged [commit-message]

The message associated with commits in a version control system.

Questions marked with this tag may be:

  • about style/how to write helpful messages
  • related to automated commit hooks (be sure to include a tag for the version control system you're using)

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117 questions
0 answers

Templates for log messages at the moment of commiting a change

I use Subversion. When I try to commit a change in a repository, and forget to write a comment as part of the parameters (parameter -m or --message), a text editor opens and tells you to write a comment regarding the change. Is there a way to add a…
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Rebase git tree keeping revert references

I have a couple of branches with many commits (~20-30) and some of them revert earlier commits from the same branch. I now need to rebase those branches on current HEAD but I want to keep the revert commits, at least for now. (The branch is a port…
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1 answer

Setting a commit message / update comment when editing a page with Atlassian Confluence Python API

I am using the atlassian-python-api to update a page as described in the documentation: from atlassian import Confluence conf = Confluence(url=srvr, username=usr, password=pswd) page_id = '12345' new_page_title = 'This is a new…
1 answer

How to auto-accept git's default commit message?

My git workflow goes like this: git add . git commit git push I would like to know if there are git commands that let me accept the autogenerated commit message (after removing the # of course). The closest answer I've found is this, but it gives…
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Git: How to reuse commit message (both subject and description)

How to reuse past commit's message while pushing new commit to the branch so that both subject and the description are retained? When I am typing git commit --reuse-message= or git commit --reedit-message=
2 answers

VSCode as Git editor on Windows Subsystem for linux (WSL)

Context System Information (Windows) OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OS Version: 10.0.17134 N/A Build 17134 ... System Type: x64-based PC Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed. …
1 answer

Tag in Git commit summary?

Do people use tags in commit in the one line commit summary? Are there any standard tags or commonly used tags? Git has supports for "tags" but it seems to mostly be used for tagging versions like "v1.8.5-rc1". By "tag" I don't mean that to tag a…
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2 answers

Permanently disable commit message requirement in Sourcetree

I would like to use git to keep track of some highly volatile, non-critical personal data. I'm the only one accessing the repo, and I do not care much about most of git's features - it's mostly a quick and easy (local and remote) backup plus the…
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Finding a revision by commit message

I know this kind of thing gets asked a lot (for example here), but (maybe because of this) I have not been able to find what I'm looking for. I know that I can specify a commit by a pattern matching its commit message, instead of by its hash, like…
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Is there a way to accumulate a commit message with git while examing changes?

I use "git add -p" to stage my changes. What I'd like to be able to do is to accumulate a commit message as I'm examining my changes and then when I call "git commit", it is already filled out for me and allows me to make changes before I…
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4 answers

If git commit messages written in the imperative, how do I clarify what hasn't yet been done? 'Don't add hashing' or 'Didn't/Doesn't add hashing'?

I'm still not totally clear about the way git commit messages are supposed to be written. I know the basic rules, but this one confused me. In my practice project, I created a login system and a user signup, but had not yet implemented secure…
3 answers

Copying subversion commit messages

I know this isn't the BEST practice, but every once in a while when I'm merging up a huge batch up changes with the trunk (and I know my branch is current), I will simply delete the contents of the trunk and then copy the contents of my branch up,…
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Does Git allow me to write my next commit message gradually during developing?

I am new in Git. Is there possible to create commit message step by step during developing? Because I find it very exhausted to review all changes during commit or committing to frequently. Sorry if I am crowding questions in here :)
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1 answer

Git commit message with letter #

I have a little problem. In our company we have an agreement that all commits that related to some issue in bug tracker should start with # (for example, #8956). But git ignores all of the lines that starts with letter '#' when writing…
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Amending a pushed commit message

I just made pushed a commit, then realized I needed to change the commit message. So on my local repo I did: git commit --amend -m "New commit message" But when I then tried to push this, I got loads of error messages saying Updates were rejected…
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