Questions tagged [command-line-interface]

The interface to a program that consists entirely of text, as opposed to (although not necessarily mutually exclusive to) a GUI, or Graphical User Interface.

A command line interface (CLI) is an interface to a program based on a series of typed text lines, called commands, which follow a specific language structure. The command lines are then interpreted by a Command Language Interpreter (more commonly known as a Shell).

The CLI was a popular interface since the 1960's, and even with development of more modern UI experiences such as , it is still a ubiquitous interface today. Depending on the specific command language, the CLI could provide a quicker and more accurate way to perform commands compared to alternatives.

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7666 questions
2 answers

How to clear wrong input in Inquirer.js

const inquirer = require("inquirer") var questions = [ { type: "number", name: "name", message: "Please the number of players", validate: function (name) { var valid = Number.isInteger(name) return valid || `Please…
2 answers

How do I categorise non-english email using procmail and command line tools?

I am subscribed to a mail list where some of the messages are non-english which I cannot understand. How do I filter the non-english messages to /dev/null using procmail and/or command line tools? I use procmail to filter my email, so ideally any…
1 answer

Uploading an Item with Metadata to an Amazon S3 Bucket using aws cli

I want to perform the same operation as below: require 'aws-sdk-s3' # v2: require 'aws-sdk' s3 =…
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Make node application executable in a NX workspace

I really like the structure of a NX workspace, and that lead me to start using it when building a new CLI project. I started with creating a @nrwl/node:application but i currently is having some issues making it executable. I believe this is not a…
1 answer

Is there a way to get the unique errors reported from ESLint

I am refactoring am existing project with TypeScript and React. I have introduced ESLint and there are over 300 errors reported across the code. This is quite a large task as these cannot be fixed automatically with ESLint itself. Is there a way to…
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git submodules are ruining my day

Currently I am trying to clone this git repo: into my main repo, as though it was a directory. The issue lies, in it that when I try to commit the main repo with git add ., nothing in the sub dir (submodule) gets…
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How to select elements via "select-by-selector" using part of the style attribute?

This question relates to Inkscape version 1.1-dev (ede11a8, 2020-06-14) running on Win10. Consider the following SVG file, converted from PDF, which contains several nodes:
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How can I disable the exit confirmation while trying to quit w3m?

Is there a way to remove Do you want to exit w3m? (y/n) from prompting after I press q to exit the application?
Eric Yun
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How to list avaliable databases in datomic, using the datomic Clojure REPL CLI interface

Hello I'n new to datomic database, I have a existing datamic connection with 2x datomic databases. I used info from Now I have to hardcode the db-names to create a backup. But how do…
2 answers

How to make python process inputs from command line?

I have a python script that will ultimately be converted into an .exe file. The way it is supposed to work is that a user will drag an excel file and drop it on to the python file, which will run, and create another output excel file. However, it…
2 answers

AWS CLI Find All Security Groups which Contain a Rule Allowing All Traffic from All Sources

Found some similar questions on here but none that specifically answered this question. I have several security groups that have rules that allow all traffic from all source IPs. I would like to concoct a simple CLI command that grabs these for…
0 answers

List Codeception tests by suite

Is there any way to list tests along with their paths in Codeception 4 by suite? I haven't found any information about this.
2 answers

ReactJS app deployed to firebase hosting not updating after first deployment

hope you all are doing well and staying safe. I have been trying to deploy my react app to the net using firebase, and all was going well until i tried updating it/redeploying it. It shows ✔ Deploy complete! in my terminal but i check the website,…
1 answer

Launch pycharm from cmd in windows

I can't be able to launch pycham (community version) from the cmd. I also set up the environment variable but still, I am getting this- 'pycharm-community' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have…
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AzureDevOps - Can't publish as single file

Edit: see end of the post for working yaml. I'm trying to publish a .NET Core 3.1 Console App as single file however I can't seem to succeed through Azure Devops Pipelines: Self-contained or not, the publish result is always a bunch of dll instead…
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