Questions tagged [command-line-interface]

The interface to a program that consists entirely of text, as opposed to (although not necessarily mutually exclusive to) a GUI, or Graphical User Interface.

A command line interface (CLI) is an interface to a program based on a series of typed text lines, called commands, which follow a specific language structure. The command lines are then interpreted by a Command Language Interpreter (more commonly known as a Shell).

The CLI was a popular interface since the 1960's, and even with development of more modern UI experiences such as , it is still a ubiquitous interface today. Depending on the specific command language, the CLI could provide a quicker and more accurate way to perform commands compared to alternatives.

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7666 questions
2 answers

Could I export model from console in blender?

Could i use blender to export model to .fbx format via console? something like: blender.exe myModel.blend --output model.fbx
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error: 'ValueError: _names_ are reserved for future Enum use'

I'm deploying my Django project on a Linux server. When I run the command python collectstaticI get the following error: File "/home/student/PickFeel/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 81, in TextChoices …
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execute child_process in a electron + react application

I started to create an electron application with reactjs. I'm using react-react-app method to create react application. In my application I want to execute some cli commands. Every time when I use 'child_process' I'm getting errors. sometimes it's…
1 answer

ORA Spinner stops on CLI with Inquirer.js

Don't know what to title the question but I will try my best to convey in the rest of the question. I am developing a CLI which first prompt user for a few questions and clone a repository based on the answers. Example: Frontend Framework: [x] Vue […
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Add coverart into ogg containing an opus audio stream with ffmpeg without re-encoding the audio stream

I'm trying to add a coverart into an ogg file with ffmpeg : Here are my source.ogg and source.jpg files : $ ffprobe -hide_banner source.ogg Input #0, ogg, from 'source.ogg': Duration: 00:03:02.45, start: 0.007500, bitrate: 73 kb/s Stream…
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simplest way to make a python module usable as a cli-tool

I'd like to make a cli tool and found this as a reference: So I created a directory with the following structure $ tree modules_and_packages modules_and_packages ├── bin │  …
David J.
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why do I need to create the symlinks and what does folder/in/path corresponds to ? when Installing aws cli 2 on mac for current user

I am trying to install AWS cli 2 for the current user, on mac as per blog AWS got installed correctly, I am not able to understand the fourth…
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Multiple positional and optional arguments using docopt

I'm trying to implement a python3 CLI using the docopt package. I'm trying to get my program accept multiple positional input files and, optionally a list of output files. A MWE for my docstring is: __doc__ = """ Usage:…
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Git alias with argument

My team works on separate branches and, commonly, I need to switch from branches quickly to help them. But I need to spend a lot of time finding which branch they are working on and I need to retype the whole branch names (and they are very…
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Error: Nodejs keytar.node is not a valid Win32 application

I packaged my cli application using pkg and it is working fine on macOS but not running on windows and complaining about keytar.node binary. I am using the same keytar.node which i installed on development machine(macOS) to run on windows as well. I…
1 answer

Swift CLI application in workspace and dependencies in workspace and cocoapod

I try to create a CLI application using Swift. I've made a framework with logic and create for that framework separate project in a workspace. Also I use cocoapods to manage dependencies. Now my workspace has following structure: Workpace …
1 answer

How to create multiple folders/more than 20/ using command line on mac?

I know this might be a basic question but I couldn't find its answer. I am trying to create 20 folders which are numbered from 1 to 20. How can I do this using a single command line. I use mac. Thanks in advance for your input.
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There is a way to understand when `flutter run` has finished installing the app?

I was wondering if the is a way, officially supported or not to understand when an app is built and installed using flutter run it seems like the process stays open waiting for commands. There is a way of running this in the background and get a…
Stefano Saitta
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How can I run Java without GUI (where isHeadless is true)?

I guess many people think this question has duplicated ones. However, this question precisely asks how can I run Java where !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true The answer would be like java --gui=disabled -jar hoge.jar
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Python Click - Retrieve other arguments during callback

I'm having an issue accessing the default values for the other input arguments from Python's click module (Version 6.7 running on Python 3.6) during a callback on a particular parameter. The goal of my callback would be to parse a set of numbers…
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