Questions tagged [columnsorting]

Column sorting refers to any columns based technique that sorts a list of data based on its individual column values.

Column sorting refers to any columns based technique that sorts a list of data based on its individual column values.

375 questions
1 answer

Sort file by only first two columns and keep the input order in case the columns have same values

I have an input file which lines I'd like sort by only 2 first columns. And I'd like to know if there is some way to do it with sort command in bash. Ex. Input File: cat checkstart.txt dev XCUBOBS149 /etc/init.d/DSEngine_srv dev XCUBOBS150…
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4 answers

Automatic leading zero for same column names in python

I read csv with more than 300 columns. Many columns have similar names. Shortened example from the csv: index d c a b b a a a 0 data data data data data data data data Python automatically adds numbers…
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Reorder factored matrix columns in Power BI

I have a matrix visual in Power BI. The columns are departments and the rows years. The values are counts of people in each department each year. The departments obviously don't have a natural ordering, BUT I would like to reorder them using the…
4 answers

How to sort data from database in laravel html

I am trying sort specific row in the table. But i stuck middle of it. I m using Kyslik\ColumnSortable\Sortable; in the model file. But no actual effect. Any idea for this? class estates extends Model { use Sortable; protected $fillable = [ 'Entry',…
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Rearranging rows based on values in a column in a 2d array in C

I am trying to sort a 2d array based on the values of the last column in descending order. My code goes as follows: #include #define totrow 10 #define totcolumn 6 float grade[totrow][totcolumn]; void reArg (float grade[][totcolumn]); void…
R doe
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2 answers

how to not let columns sorted by alphabetical order after concatenate dataframes with different number of columns in python

I across this problem when using python for a double-level header. and found the same problem from other forum as states below: When concatenating DataFrames and the header is douple-level, the column names get alphanumerically sorted if there are…
1 answer

jQuery-Datatables-parseFloat function Globalisation

I am using jQuery datatable to display the percentages in decimal values like 28.33 91.58 0.65 I use the parseFloat of these values to sort them. The problem comes during Internationalization, in French, German these values are represented…
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How to have multiple column sorts in Power BI desktop/online with directquery

I have matrix visualization with multiple columns say: ProjID ProjName Budget Proj_Status project_duration I want to do a multiple column sort (like in Excel) first on Budget then on Project_duration in Power BI.
2 answers

How to maintain formatting after user sort columns in gridview

When I fetch data from the database the rows are colorcoded. However when the user clicks on the columns to sort the color formatting is discarded and all the rows become white. I've searched for answers and found some people with the same issue as…
1 answer

Footable shows 01.01.1970 for null values

I'm trying to sort a FooTable table on a date column which also has null values, outputted as empty strings. I have included moment.js before footable and footable.sorting in my HTML. My null values are displayed and sorted as 01.01.1970. There are…
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Neo4j - Order by relevance

I'd like to order returned data by relevance in Neo4j. For my purpose, relevance can be simplified to "Index of the word I'm searching for", where the lower index the higher relevance. Example I have these three nodes: node : { Label: PROD …
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SSRS Matrix Dynamic Column Sort

Looking for a way to sort my SSRS report on each of the different column groups. I want to be able to sort my row group (a list of products) with a hidden field. The report is very dynamic, in the sense that the number of column groups changes every…
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Excel sort order - special characters not first

I use a macro to sort a table by the data in one column: ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(sortRange), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal Is there a way to make this code sort in…
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WPF exclude summary row from datagrid default sort

I have a datagrid in WPF. The last row in the datagrid is a summary row. I would like to sort this datagrid without including the summary row in the sorting process. Is there a way to it without overriding the datagrid's default sorting mechanism by…
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Datagridview Column Click/Sort

HI guys as you all know if someone clicks the column header it will sort. However is it possible to do something after they sort. Like if it sort ascending a msgbox would prompt out saying you sort ascending. I would like to know which datagridevent…
shaik ibrahim
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