Questions tagged [columnsorting]

Column sorting refers to any columns based technique that sorts a list of data based on its individual column values.

Column sorting refers to any columns based technique that sorts a list of data based on its individual column values.

375 questions
2 answers

DevExpress XtraTreeList Columns Sorting Numerical

I have a strange issue that I'm not sure how to work around. Mainly because I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I'm using a DevExpress TreeList control. I have multiple columns, the main issue is when sorting the columns numerically, the columns are…
Billy Brown
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1 answer

JS YUI: How to do column sorting of a datatable on the click of a button?

Background:- I picked up the script in the following piece of code for table sorting from here. Now I want a little change in the way it works. Question:- I want the data to be sorted on the basis of the user's selection from a drop down list (of…
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Sorting Issue with User defined datatypes (Custom Properties) in C#

I have a grid where I am biding data from an object. Object has some complex data types. Below is my code Able to sort ORDERID and OrderNumber BUT NOT CustomerInfo Property Class : public class Order { public Int32 OrderID{ get; set; } …
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File comparison

I am a beginner. I am looking for a basic shell script solving what looks a simple problem: I have one long file, file A that looks like below: I would like to generate a new file (Target file C ) that is essentially file A, but with an extra field…
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Sort a datagridview column displaying DateTime objects

I have a DataGridView with several columns, 1 of which is displaying employee birthdays as a DateTime like this: dateStyle.Format = "MMM-dd"; (Ex: Jan-01 for January 1st). I would like to enable the user to be able to click on the header of this…
Tatiana Laurent
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How to select distinct rows in 2 columns and sort both individually

I have this sql: SELECT DISTINCT car_year, car_make FROM cars GROUP BY car_year, car_make ORDER BY car_year ASC, car_make ASC It returns this: car_year | car_make ------------------- 2009 | TOYOTA 2011 | AUDI 2013 | ACURA 2014 |…
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Adding sort behaviour to dynamically generated columns

Versions : Aapche MyFaces 2.1.14 RichFaces 4.3.5 Code :
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1 answer"DateTime column")

I have a DataTable with a DateTime column. First, I have a problem with sorting : DataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "CREATED_DATETIME asc"; it doesn't work properly, Secondly, I have a problem with select : DataTable.Select("CREATED_DATETIME <" +…
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1 answer

MYSQL- sorting varchar column includes number and char

id column have these values: 2,10,X,Y,D,G I want to sort like this: 2,10,D,G,X,Y I tried many solutions, and results are here!2/846ed/1 order by id*1; sorted results:G X Y D 2 10 order by LPAD(id, 20, '0'); sorted results:2 D…
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1 answer

create a bindingsource that supports advanced sorting from IOrderedQueryable

I want to create a bindingSource that supports sorting by multiple columns and attach it to a bindingNavigator. I am using winforms and code-first EF. I am constructing my query in the following manner DbSet dset = DBContext.People; string…
Kirsten Greed
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0 answers

How to compare one column according to another column in Excel?

Here's my problem. I have a 4 column table. I'd like to compare column A with column D to highlight all values that are common to both the columns i.e. elements of column D in A only. The end result should be all the elements of column D in A to be…
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1 answer

How to manage complex sorting in SQL?

I need to have date sorting with the partial dates. I have a table with the following columns. Day Month Year -- ---- ----- NULL 03 1990 26 10 1856 03 07 Null 31 NULL 2018 NULL NULL NULL I…
2 answers

How to distribute parts of a column besides each other using R?

I have an .xlsx document containing some data and measurements that is within 3 columns (ImageNumber, ObjectNumber, Intensity) The problem is, that this data is all in just one column as it is shown here: 263 2 347.92942202463746 264 2 …
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1 answer

How to simultaneously sort columns in pandas dataframe

Suppose that I want to sort a data frame in Pandas and my data frame looks like this First Name Last Name Street Address Type 0 Joe Smith 123 Main St. Property Address 1 Gregory Stanton 124 Main St. X…
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2 answers

Sorting wrt to a column value in matlab

I have multiple columns in my dataset and column 2 contains value from 1 till 7. I want to sort my dataset with respect to second column . Thanks in advance
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