I use a macro to sort a table by the data in one column:

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(sortRange), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal

Is there a way to make this code sort in this order: first 0-9, then A-Z, and then special characters (there are at least • and + which I like to be last in the sort order) ?

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    Read the range cell by cell. Put the cells in a different list (or array), based on what they are. You would have 3 lists (or arrays). Then sort the lists (or arrays). Then print them one by one. Voila! :) – Vityata Jul 28 '16 at 11:43
  • Thanks! Yes now I have to find the code for sorting the table, not only the column content – cody Jul 28 '16 at 15:50

2 Answers2


Alright, this sounded like a fun task, so I tried Vityata's approach with different lists in another worksheet.

Sub crazySort()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim yourcolumnindex, letters, numbers, others As Long
Dim i As Long

Set ws = Worksheets("sheet")
'This is the sheet for our temp lists, rename accordingly
Set ws2 = Worksheets("tempsheet")
columnsCount = x
i = 1
letters = 1
others = 1
numbers = 1

With ws
For j = 1 to columnsCount
    'loop through all the cells in your column
    'change yourcolumnindex accordingly
    Do While .Cells(i, j) <> ""
        'check for the ASCII-code of the first character in every list

        Select Case Asc(Left(.Cells(i, j), 1))
            Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122
                'if it's a letter, put it in column 1
                ws2.Cells(letters, 1) = .Cells(i, j)
                letters = letters + 1
            Case 48 To 57
                'if it's a cipher, put it in column 2
                ws2.Cells(numbers, 2) = .Cells(i, j)
                numbers = numbers + 1
            Case Else
                'is it something else, put it in column 3
                ws2.Cells(others, 3) = .Cells(i, j)
                others = others + 1
        End Select
        i = i + 1
End With

End Sub

This part just contains splitting the list, but from here on out it's just sorting and the copy/pasting back.

Have fun with this.

Tom K.
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  • Thanks! Do you also have an idea for sorting the whole table? This seems to just copy the column content... – cody Jul 28 '16 at 15:51
  • I changed the code, so now it'll work for all columns. Just change the `columnsCount = x` to the index of your last column. Change `j=1` accordingly, if your first column is not `A`. Remeber that this will put the value of _all_ columns of your source table in the three columns of your `tempsheet`. – Tom K. Jul 29 '16 at 07:31

@Tom, thanks for mentioning me :) Actually, I was thinking of something more like this:

Public Sub SortMe(rng_selection As Range)

    Dim rng_cell        As Range
    Dim lst_numbers     As New Collection
    Dim lst_letters     As New Collection
    Dim lst_others      As New Collection
    Dim rng_new         As Range

    For Each rng_cell In rng_selection

        Select Case Asc(Left(rng_cell, 1))

        Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122
            lst_letters.Add rng_cell.Text
        Case 48 To 58
            lst_numbers.Add rng_cell.Text
        Case Else
            lst_others.Add rng_cell.Text
        End Select

    Next rng_cell

    Call SortCollection(lst_numbers)
    Call SortCollection(lst_letters)
    Call SortCollection(lst_others)

    For Each rng_cell In rng_selection

        If lst_numbers.Count Then
            rng_cell = lst_numbers.Item(1)
            lst_numbers.Remove (1)

        ElseIf lst_letters.Count Then
            rng_cell = lst_letters.Item(1)
            lst_letters.Remove (1)

        ElseIf lst_others.Count Then
            rng_cell = lst_others(1)
            lst_others.Remove (1)

        End If
    Next rng_cell

    Set rng_new = rng_selection.Offset(0, 1)

End Sub

Sub SortCollection(ByRef oCollection As Collection, Optional bSortAscending As Boolean = True)
    'taken from http://visualbasic.happycodings.com/applications-vba/code27.html
    Dim lSort1 As Long, lSort2 As Long
    Dim vTempItem1 As Variant, vTempItem2 As Variant, bSwap As Boolean

    On Error GoTo ErrFailed
    For lSort1 = 1 To oCollection.Count - 1
        For lSort2 = lSort1 + 1 To oCollection.Count
            If bSortAscending Then
                If oCollection(lSort1) > oCollection(lSort2) Then
                    bSwap = True
                    bSwap = False
                End If
                If oCollection(lSort1) < oCollection(lSort2) Then
                    bSwap = True
                    bSwap = False
                End If
            End If
            If bSwap Then
                'Store the items
                If VarType(oCollection(lSort1)) = vbObject Then
                    Set vTempItem1 = oCollection(lSort1)
                    vTempItem1 = oCollection(lSort1)
                End If

                If VarType(oCollection(lSort2)) = vbObject Then
                    Set vTempItem2 = oCollection(lSort2)
                    vTempItem2 = oCollection(lSort2)
                End If

                'Swap the items over
                oCollection.Add vTempItem1, , lSort2
                oCollection.Add vTempItem2, , lSort1
                'Delete the original items
                oCollection.Remove lSort1 + 1
                oCollection.Remove lSort2 + 1
            End If
    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print "Error with CollectionSort: " & Err.Description
    CollectionSort = Err.Number
    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

It just looks big, the sorting sub is quite big, but I copied and pasted it. It worked for me. If you want to call it, write in the immediate window call SortMe(selection) and do not forget to select the range. :) Have a nice evening :D

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  • But can you tell me please how I can apply that to whole rows of a table? That column is part of a table... – cody Jul 28 '16 at 21:49
  • To the whole rows it would be a bit tricky. You have to read all the columns and add them to the lst_letters, lst_numbers or lst_others correspondingly.You may separate them by "::" or something like this and then print each cell per row, dividing them by the "::" sign. Thus in the lists you would have something like this"First_cell::second_cell,::third_cell_etc" for each row. Or something similar. – Vityata Jul 29 '16 at 07:57