Questions tagged [xtratreelist]

The XtraTreeList Suite is a comprehensive WinForms TreeView and ListView control by DevExpress.

From the DevExpress website:

The XtraTreeList Suite is a comprehensive WinForms TreeView and ListView control. It was built from the ground up in C# and is optimized to take full advantage of the .NET Framework. The XtraTreeList is a multi-purpose data visualization system that can display information as a TREE, a GRID, or a combination of both - in either data-bound or unbound mode. This unique synergy between a traditional grid and a traditional TreeView allows you to create cutting-edge and visually appealing application interfaces for your end-users.

71 questions
1 answer

How to get access to the object bound to node in DevExpress XtraTreeList?

I have created an XtraTreeList control that is bound to my bindingSource and it uses a list of custom objects. The MultiSelect property is set to true, so when the user selects multiple nodes I want to define what objects are bound to them. But…
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2 answers

How can I disable end user sorting of the XtraTreeList?

I am displaying a fixed sequence in the tree list along with some values and clicking on the header will sort it by the value in the column that belongs to the header. I haven't found any obvious property of the XtraTreeList that would disallow this…
Tomas Pajonk
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DevExpress XtraTreeList Disable Node Editing

I want to disable Editing of all nodes of my tree. Any such property apart from a property that allows you to individually set Editing based on cell value ?
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How to change font for concrete TreeListNode?

I need to change font for TreeListNode item in XtraTreeList For standart TreeViewNode there is Font property.
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Devexpress.XtraTreeList click node

I have a Devexpress.XtraTreeList component. I want to catch in click event where the user is clicked on expand button or the node? How can I understand this? Edit: Actually I am trying to do something like outlook using treelist. When I click the…
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DevExpress XtraTreeList set focused Row Appearance to only show background color change

Is there a way to set a selected/focused Row Appearance so that it makes the row only bordered (no background color changes, border color red) ?
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Is there any event which Fires when observes that a node from TreeList had the check mark checked from code?

I have a part of code which analyzes a list with checked nodes ID's, and checks into the a TreeList existing ID's. (I'm using a XtraTreeList control) I want to calculate amount for each checked node, and I just though to make this when the node is…
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XtraTreeList - How can I reset the value of Unbound Boolean Cell to Indeterminate?

I have an XtraTreeList with an UnboundColumn of type Boolean, i.e.: column.UnboundType = DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Data.UnboundColumnType.Boolean; Initially, all CheckEdits are displayed 'grayed', in the Indeterminate State, and their value is…
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2 answers

How to traverse the nodes for a DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList

I am trying to traverse the nodes of the DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList and it isn't working. Basically all I have is the caption and value of the node I want to look for. Is there a simple way I can find it. After it is found I am just moving the…
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TreeListLookupEdit - Focus Node

I'm trying to select a node in TreeListLookupEdit. var fn = treeListLookupEdit1.FindNodeByKeyID(NodeId); treeListLookupEdit1.Properties.TreeList.FocusedNode = fn; My TreeListLookupEdit is already filled with the data (from an EF datasource), I need…
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DevExpress TreeList DataSource Not Updating on UI

I have a TreeList that is inside a PopupContainerControl. The TreeList is populated dynamically depending on the context in which the form is being used. This means that the Node List is updated and modified during runtime. The problem I am having…
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XtraTreeList AutoNodeHeight

Good morning, I have a problem I could not fix, I need you in the line of an object "TreeListNode" can display a text in three lines, the problem is that I can only see the first line of this text the two remaining lines are lost even enlarging the…
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4 answers

XtraTreeList - How can I set the value of a CheckEdit cell?

I am using the DevExpress WinForms XtraTreeList control, and have several columns which contain a Check Box, i.e. I have set the ColumnEdit property of the Columns to a RepositoryCheckEdit. How can I programatically access the value of a particular…
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XtraTreeList DevExpress

I am using treelist.OptionsView.ShowCheckBoxes = true; but that shows checkbox on all nodes. I want only child nodes to show CheckBox and not parent node. Any way to implement it ?
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DevExpress DragDrop in treelist throws HRESULT 800ac472

I observed that, when I drag and drop from parent node to its child node(which technically should not be allowed in a treeview), throws HRESULT 800ac472 exception. It won't even go to AfterDragDrop event handler where I am setting my db values in…
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