Questions tagged [colorbox]

A light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery 1.3.2+.


  • Supports photos, grouping, slideshow, Ajax, inline, and iframed content.
  • Lightweight: 9 KB of JavaScript.
  • Appearance is controlled through CSS so users can restyle the box.
  • Behavior settings can be over-written without altering the ColorBox JavaScript file.
  • Can be extended with callbacks & event-hooks without altering the source files.
  • Completely unobtrusive, options are set in the JavaScript code and require no changes to existing HTML.
  • Preloads background images and can preload upcoming images in a photo group.
  • Written in jQuery plugin format and can be chained with other jQuery commands.
  • Generates W3C valid XHTML and adds no JS global variables & passes JSLint.
  • Released under the MIT License.

  • Tested in Firefox 3+, Safari 4+, Chrome, Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9, and Opera 11.

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1813 questions
2 answers

Consistency of Colorbox across browsers

I have installed a BigBlueButton server, and it seems to work fine in that I can access the BBB demo and also access it from a PHP application using the BBB API. The problem starts when I try to open the BBB client in a modal window created using…
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16 answers

how to make colorbox responsive

I am using colorbox in a responsive website. I have a request : I wish that Colorbox automatically adjusts itself to the size and orientation of the screen / mobile device : if I change the orientation of the screen / mobile device (ie if I rotate…
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9 answers

how to close colorbox within iframe?

i have a page manageGroup.php, where user can also add member to group. I used colorbox to show the addGroupMember.php. Now i need to close that colorbox once i have done submitting the form. javascript i am using in manageGroup.php
Ashish Rajan
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2 answers

Require statement in application.css.scss

I want to use a lightbox gem such as fancybox or color box. Both gems ask to add this line in the application.css *= require colorbox-rails Here's the problem. I only have application.css.scss files. All my css files are scss files. I have import…
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16 answers

How can I dynamically resize the jQuery Colorbox plugin?

The AJAX content loaded in a Colorbox has some JavaScript included that resizes things within the content. Colorbox determines its sizing based on the sizes before all of the AJAX happens. How can I make the Colorbox resize after the content has…
James Skidmore
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8 answers

Close ColorBox iFrame after submit

I'm using jQuery ColorBox to display a shopping cart item. When a user enters the quantity in the iFrame (opened with colorbox) and clicks on the submit button, I want the iFrame to be close and main window (parent) to be refreshed automatically. I…
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4 answers

jQuery colorbox: how do I prevent the loading indicator small box from appearing before the main colorbox content does?

I'm using jQuery colorbox to load a login form (via ajax). However, this little small box shows up for a few seconds, then it fades into the actual content that I want to load. So after observing several colorbox examples on the website, I'm…
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4 answers

How to call jQuery colorbox with javascript onClick event instead of a link?

I want to call colorbox using javascript rather than a href link? anyone know how I can do this? thanks.
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4 answers

How do I use colorbox to show hidden divs on my page without hardcoding?

I'm using Colorbox to show the html content of hidden divs on my page. I can get this to work perfectly with the following: $("a.colorbox").colorbox({width:"600px", inline:true, href:"#344"}); This will show the div with the ID of 344. However,…
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3 answers

Colorbox - removing the close button from a specific window

I'm using the colorbox plugin to display messages on my web page. One of them is a "wait for response" message, and I don't want the user closing it by himself. I know how to unbind the ESC key, and to disable the overlay close, but I still have a…
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6 answers

Add jQuery colorbox plugin to a dynamically created element

The usual way to assign color box functionality on a link is like this: $("a.colorbox").colorbox({ transition: "elastic" }); Newly added items are not bound in this way though. How can I add colorbox to dynamically created
Jon Winstanley
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1 answer

“Violation readystatechange handler took 760ms” After Updating Chrome

After updating Google Chrome v57.0.2987, our website is getting errors when we open Collorbox: Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check…
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5 answers

How to create a color picker in html?

How to make a color picker, like we see in different websites where users can scroll down different colors and on click can get the color code? I have tried of making a rows and columns but it was not so comfortable so want it to be like a color…
Rakesh Ram
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2 answers

How to use Colorbox with Angular JS

How can I use colorbox (fancybox or lightbox is welcome too) with Angular JS, should I write a directive for it is there any other methods for it. Here is my HTML: ...

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4 answers

Colorbox stop background scroll and return to same location on parent page

I have an unordered list that I've created in drupal 7 using views. Each list item has a link that opens a colorbox. If you put the mouse on the faded background of the colorbox (which is the parent page) you can scroll the parent page. What I'm…
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