Questions tagged [colorbox]

A light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery 1.3.2+.


  • Supports photos, grouping, slideshow, Ajax, inline, and iframed content.
  • Lightweight: 9 KB of JavaScript.
  • Appearance is controlled through CSS so users can restyle the box.
  • Behavior settings can be over-written without altering the ColorBox JavaScript file.
  • Can be extended with callbacks & event-hooks without altering the source files.
  • Completely unobtrusive, options are set in the JavaScript code and require no changes to existing HTML.
  • Preloads background images and can preload upcoming images in a photo group.
  • Written in jQuery plugin format and can be chained with other jQuery commands.
  • Generates W3C valid XHTML and adds no JS global variables & passes JSLint.
  • Released under the MIT License.

  • Tested in Firefox 3+, Safari 4+, Chrome, Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9, and Opera 11.

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1813 questions
0 answers

Colorbox opening just one time after form submit?

We have a situation where form submit results had to be shown in a Colorbox. For that we did a request and tried to open up the returned html in colorbox. Here is the code for that. jQuery("#f1").submit(function(){ var formData =…
sushil bharwani
  • 27,522
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2 answers

How can I change the position of the colorbox?

i try change position of jquery colorbox i have both tried in css and java and nothing works. also tried the other thread but none of the suggestions have solved it for me.
2 answers

dynamic image changing in colorbox

Im working on the products page or an ecommerce site and currently there are 3 small images and one large image. the three small images are clickable and when the user clicks one of the images the larger image is changed to show that image…
Glen Robson
  • 787
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2 answers

Colorbox previous and next buttons not showing

I have been working on a e-commerce site to show the images of a product however i am having some trouble. I am using colorbox to show the image in a popup window my code for that is: jQuery("a.largeImgPop").colorbox({opacity:0.4, rel:'largeImgPop',…
Glen Robson
  • 787
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  • 17
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0 answers

colorbox form submit and get post data from the form

Ive been doing this for quiet sometime and i cannot get my luck on main page im calling the form with a class="viewForm" name="viewForm" href="viewForm.php">Select date with javascript