Questions tagged [collapsable]

203 questions
1 answer

How to hide Header and Footer at the same time with the Animated API in React Native

I just wonder how can I hide both Header and Footer at the same time and with the same animated value? Becouse I think I cannot use the same animated value for the animate multiple components at the same time. MY COMPONENT
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react collapisble panel css issue

I'm trying to add a Collapsible in my project. The functionality works simply. But there is a CSS issue in collapsible. When I click on a header the collapsible panel opens on after all the header. I want to open the collapsible panel next to each…
Leya Varghese
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R shiny collapsible sidebar

I have created the following application template in R shiny : library(shiny) library(shinyjs) ui <- fluidPage( useShinyjs(), navbarPage("",actionButton("toggleSidebar", "toggle", icon = icon("database")), tabPanel("tab", …
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Collapsable print_r() tree with PHP 7 (w/o preg_replace() and /e)

In order to print_r a collapsable tree, I'm currently using his code which uses preg_replace() and the /e modifier, which is depreciated in PHP7:
2 answers

Hiding button after collapse is toggled using Javascript

I'm trying to hide the "collapsible" button after it is being pressed. activities.html: Controller.js: var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible"); var…
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Collapsible div - expand and collapse

Help please! I'm creating a FAQs webpage where theres approx 50 questions. Therefore, I'm using collapsible divs so that the page isn't too long. Below is the code I've used so far. I'm wondering if its possible to have a hyperlink (e.g.…
R Hynes
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JXCollapsiblePane with JXMultiSplitPane

I have a user interface that uses a JXMultiSplitPane to display multiple components. However, I would like some of the panes to be collapsible. I thought about how I might use a JXCollapsiblePane here, but I can't figure out a good way to have the…
Jeff Storey
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Collapsable List seems to be preventing menu list from working

I am trying to work on my program's website. I put in a collapsable list on one of my pages. The top of my pages has a menu to go everywhere on the website. However, on the pages where I put in the collapsable, the menu dropdowns don't work. Can…
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Win32 (C++) :- How to make a list item collapsible

I have a listbox in which multiple list items are there. I want to implement something like if we click on the list item, it will collapse and show the summary of the clicked item: I have been searching this on the web for quite sometime but…
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Multiple Collapsible divs bootstrap

I am creating a gallery with albums in Bootstrap 3.3.6. The albums consist of an album cover which reveals or hides the album pics inside a collapsible
. Collapsible
is also accordion style. I have 2 layouts for mobile and desktop…
1 answer

Hover and focus not working on mobile dropdown menu options

On mobile here, I have a dropdown menu that comes down with some options in it. I would like these links to change color to grey when one "hovers" on it with the thumb on the phone. I haven't managed though I have tried several options as you can…
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Export or Download d3.js sunburst / collapsible tree charts as pdf file

I need to download my d3.js collapsible tree chart and sunburst chart as PDF file . I tried using jspdf.plugin.svgToPdf plugin but it doesnt work. Could someone guide me in downloading the charts as pdf ? My source code for collapsible …
0 answers

Change arrow icon direction on blacklight facets with bootstrap 3 css

I'm trying to add arrow icons that change direction as the blacklight search facet collapses and reopens like here: The icon appears but does not change when collapsed. Below is the partial for each facet group or…
3 answers

Collapsible navigation Drawer items

I'm looking for a way to implement a Collapsible navigation Drawer items. later the Items and there Sub-Items will be dynamically loaded at the start of the app but for the beginning I would be happy if I get an Item with some sub-Items. could…
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jquery treeview plugin change link behavior (avoid collapse)

I am using the jQuery Treeview plugin. Have a look to the "Sample 1 - default" provided on the demo page of the plugin In my case all folders and files are links. If I click for example on the expanded…
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