Questions tagged [collapsable]

203 questions
1 answer

How to set collapsable submenu only on collapsed menu (aka on mobile devices)

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this ! I am trying but failing to get what i want, i have this navbar: code and i am trying to figure out how can make the submenu "yogastyles" to be a collapsable menu when…
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1 answer

Links inside expanding menu not opening

I'm experiencing a problem related to expanding menus. I cannot seem to be able to link outside of the expanding menu as the only thing all links inside the menu do are collapse it or just simply do nothing at all. Here are two examples of the menu…
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when the option button click textfield text should be erased not disable

I have this Plnkr. When the provided script option is enabled, the textbox in text should be erased. Click Plus button in the Plnkr Go to collapse panel inside radio button is there. Click provided script button. Relevant code:
2 answers

android collapsable searchview with custom header

I need the suggestion for using the best way to show searchview with custom header. My headerlayout should initially look like this And after clicking the search button on the right of the header, it must replace header title and menu icon part…
Narendra Singh
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Twitter bootstrap : collapsible element in collapsible element

Disclaimers first : 1) First question ever, I hope I'm doing this right, apologies if it's not the case. 2) English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes. 3) Made a search and couldn't find an answer. Trying to explain in words will…
François M.
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Can I let my fixed header scroll, the moment a collapsible header is no longer on page?

We've all seen the collapsible headers a lot now a days. I really like the effect it brings to a page, it gives a lot more dept. I would like to achieve this dept effects, but I don't really need the functionality of a fixed header. Now I've seen…
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Bootstrap collapsable nav not working

The collapse-able part wont work. (this part) ( Here is the code:
1 answer

Bootstrap navbar collapsed vertical going off screen 'cuz the size of the content on the nav-pills are too big

So, I have a navbar collapse vertical on the left part of my page, when I click the nav-pills the menu content shows just under them as it should, however, there's too much info and it's going off screen, I have a pill with like 13 elements on it…
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