Questions tagged [codeceptjs]

CodeceptJS is a modern end to end testing framework with a special BDD-style syntax. The test is written as a linear scenario of user's action on a site. The use of generator functions allows asynchronous tests to be written in synchronous way.

191 questions
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CodeceptJS closing browser window after finish

I´m new to CodeceptJS with Puppeteer. I want to let my window browser open after the finish. Feature('Login'); Scenario('test', (I) => { I.amOnPage('') });
2 answers

CodeceptJS / Puppeteer doesn't recognize 'if' statement

not really familiar with js/node.js. using codeceptjs/puppeteer for some automated tests. right now trying to edit a description in a test. but sometimes a description isn't there - therefor the 'edit description' button is not there - and there is…
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Run custom JavaScript in Chromium with CodeceptJS?

I need to mock the time for my CodeceptJS tests. My React component uses the new Date() function: const Component = () => { console.log(new Date()) return

Im a component

} I need the component to think it's 2018. For my Jest unit…
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CodeceptJs - Getting List of elements and checking attributes of elements

I'm QA Automation with 7+ years of experiance in C#+Nunit+Webdriver. Now I have to switch to CodeceptJS and can't find how to do some common actions using this framework. Please, help me with next questions: How can I get list of elements and get…
1 answer

How to know how many elements are on a page using codeceptjs

In Codeceptjs, I don't find a way to count the number a certain element is present on the page. The I.assertNumber in the example is some kind of made up clause to hopefully express better what I am looking for. Scenario('test something', (I) => { …
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Need an auto-complete plugin for codeceptjs

I am very new to Codeceptjs. I'm using Visual Studio Code to write some sample tests. It will really help me if I could have something like an auto-complete for the methods so when I typed for instance I.see it shows me the options that I have, for…
farm command
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How to link feature files with step definition in CodeceptJS?

I'm trying to implement the BDD framework in CodeceptJS using PHPStorm as my IDE. But for some reason it is not recognising the step definitions and in the feature file it shows the error Undefined step reference I followed the steps given in the…
Cathy 007
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How to apply a conditional to an E2E Test in CodeceptJS and NightmareJS

What I need: Have an E2E Test in CodeceptJS with Nightmare as Main Helper verify the existence of an element, and depending on the result, continue doing a series of actions or others. Sample code: class EventsHelper extends Helper { …
0 answers

CodeceptJS: Semantical check for assigned tags

we are currently trying to implement codeceptjs e2e test suites for our application. We are using some tags at the tests to identify tests which should only run under specific circumstances (for instance only on some country channels with specific…
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Possibility to use devtools on chrome browser using CodeceptJS

I have to write tests for web application and also I have to use them on mobile chrome browser.It is any possibility to use chrome devtools and mobile device emulator during test? Thanks for help
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Codeceptjs Headless tests with https do not work

When i run tests with https headless, the error below shows up bash Error: move target out of bounds: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document. Running without --headless option, it works but…
Matheus Souza
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How can i wait for some text without stopping the execution of the test?

I am doing some end-to-end test with CodeceptJS and WebdriverIO helper and I would like to wait an error message in my Vue.js SPA. I want to know if there is a way to wait for a text asynchronously during the runtime of the test. I don't want to…
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CodeceptJS Error after running first scenario (after each hook)

I just started trying out codeceptjs to see if we can use it in our project. It looks extremely useful, however I keep running into one nasty error which I can not pinpoint :-( Who knows what I have to do to get rid of the error below? I run…
2 answers

Automated Chrome hides text in CodeceptJS WebdriverIO test

I have a fresh install of Chrome Version 67.0.3396.87 and followed the to init a project and create the following test: Feature('Hidden Text'); Scenario('test something', (I) => { I.amOnPage('/'); …
0 answers

CodeceptJS not accepting proxy settings

I want to pass CodeceptJS requests through an external proxy. I followed the instructions in the docs. In the logging I see indications the proxy is being passed on, but its not being used by selenium-standalone to proxy requests. 10:56:25.020 INFO…
Allyl Isocyanate
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