Questions tagged [codeceptjs]

CodeceptJS is a modern end to end testing framework with a special BDD-style syntax. The test is written as a linear scenario of user's action on a site. The use of generator functions allows asynchronous tests to be written in synchronous way.

191 questions
1 answer

How to change default language Chromium/Firefox using Playwright?

I’ve been trying without success to change default language of browsers Chromium and Firefox (inside automated tests that run in parallel using CodeceptJS + Playwright as runner) to french language. In Chromium, I’ve tried to use args --lang without…
2 answers

How do I click an Ionic back button in Codeceptjs?

I'm trying to use CodeceptJS to click a back button generated in Ionic and whatever I try, I can't get it to work. I think it may be related to #shadow-root. First, here's the HTML generated by Ionic:
Patrick Kenny
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How do I wait for a page to transition after checking the link?

I'm trying to get CodeceptJS to wait for a page to load after clicking a link, but I can't get it to do so gracefully. My Ionic pages: Homepage
Patrick Kenny
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Codeceptjs - Headless chrome - stepByStepReport enabled - I.switchToNextTab() hangs when the new tab opens a PDF file

"codeceptjs": "^3.0.2" "@wdio/selenium-standalone-service": "^6.8.0" "webdriverio": "^6.8.0" Sample code: I.amOnPage("");'//a[@href="samples/Sample2.PDF"]'); I.switchToNextTab(); I.closeCurrentTab(); When…
0 answers

How to access Selenium driver when coding with CodeceptJs

In order to debug an issue, I'd like to try some of the raw Selenium methods such as Actions or Javascript executor to access my elements, but as I'm behind the CodeceptJs framework, I'm not sure how I'd access the driver that these methods require,…
Francislainy Campos
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Error running Scenario please specify package correctly: "../null" file not found - Cucumber/CodeceptJs/IntelliJ

I'm trying to run a very basic Cucumber/CodeceptJs feature file but am getting this Error running Scenario please specify package correctly: "../null" file not found message and not sure what to do as very new to this tool. If I can have any help to…
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How to retry failed step in run-workers?

I want to mix the advantages of run-workers (multiple agents to gain time) and run-rerun (fight against flaky tests) but I don't know how I can do that. Currently, I do npx codeceptjs run-workers --suites 5 --steps but I have some flaky tests. I…
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Have to use manual wait() to get CodeceptJS/Puppeteer custom helper to see table(td tr)

I have a codeceptjs/puppeteer project and am building a custom helper for accessing information in tables. I have been able to make this work, but only by putting a two second wait in my test step before calling on the async function in my custom…
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Does iterating table rows via Codeceptjs and Puppeteer require a Helper

I am trying to use the methods available within Codeceptjs to simply iterate rows of a table and select a row based on text existing in a particular cell of the current row being iterated. The following code is in one of my page objects and…
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Include: dependency injection CodeceptJS/Puppeteer - Missing something?

I am clearly missing something related to dependency injection with CodeceptJS and Puppeteer. I am attempting to follow the docs but not yet successful. Goal: Create a page object class, access the methods in that page object class from my test…
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Setting up and configuring Faker Js for CodeceptJs

really having trouble with setting up and configuring faker to work on codeceptjs, I have had a look at their website but no luck with the set up. I just need need a simple example of faker within a test case. I have installed through npm 'rosie'…
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Codeceptjs not able to scroll/swipe down without using an element

I am not able to swipe /scroll down in an Android application, I am using codeceptjs and following method but this method will act only on the visible element but I need to scroll down to the bottom of the page /on a specific element without using…
1 answer

gratAttributeFrom() method is not returning value. It returns only object,promise

How to get value using grabAttributeFrom in codecept. It returns only object,promise. How to get the attribute value from it. let userid_xpath = await…
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Playwright parallel execution is not working with BDD tests (But it is working without BDD)

I am working with Playwright run-workers for parallel execution in chromium and sample BDD script when executed, i found Playwright is executing same scenario multiple times in different browser instances. Ex: I created TWO simple BDD scenarios and…
1 answer

grabAttributeFrom() method not returning the attribute value

I am trying to get the attribute value of an element by using I.grabAttributeFrom() method but I always get undefined instead of the attribute value. My code is Scenario('Smoketest', async (I) => { const columnIndex = await…
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