Questions tagged [code-signing-entitlements]

152 questions
1 answer

Submitting app with iCloud enabled: is it possible? Apple: Invalid Code Signing Entitlements

Two apps, say, AppX and AppXLite, use the same iCloud key-value storage with the same Store Identifier and in entitlements file I see $(TeamIdentifierPrefix) Everything works in adhoc and debug builds. But when I try to upload…
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KeyChain integration causing crash with "missing entitlement" error -- via command line builds

I'm having a problem with some KeyChain code causing archives created via xcodebuild to crash when distributed as ad-hoc apps and run on a device. The problem does not affect builds created via Xcode -- only those created via command line. The code…
2 answers

How to create code signing and IPA-file in xcode4.3?

I'm building my first app in xcode4.3 on lion. Now I want to beta-test using testflight. I've looked at the tutorial: "" But I get stuck at the 2nd step when…
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how to create Entitlements.plist for push notification in XCODE 4.2?

How to create Entitlements.plist for push notification in XCODE 4.2? Can any one define for the path New File/Code Signing/Entitlements?
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Different Entitlements.plist files in terms of receiving push notifications

I have a setup where my app code is compiled to two different targets. One is the Staging and one is the Production. Both can receive push-notifications, for this there are different certificates, provisioning files etc. (and info.plist files as…
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Full app - Associated Domain for app clip invocation

According to Apple documentation, when a user installs the full app, the app clip invocation launches the full app. And it says to associate the full app with the website. Does this association mean to add appclips: or applinks: in…
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Best practices for debugging OSX entitlement or sandbox problems?

I have a local development builds of an audio software application, and I'm having problems setting up entitlements so that I can receive audio input ( and/or This works…
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Is it possible, and how do I add a key-value pair into the new entitlements file when repacking an iOS application with frida gadget?

I am trying to repack an iOS Application; IPA file with the frida gadget dynamic library according to the following link. However, i am running into a console log error when launching the application: : Unable to obtain a task name port…
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Electron app shows blank screen in Apple review

My electron application is getting rejected from Apple review as it display a blank white screen on launch while review. Whereas my .app file is working fine when launched locally before signing. I think there must be something wrong with signing…
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Building Xcode project without a provisioning profile

I'm sorry if it's already answered here but I wasn't able to find it. I want to play a bit with DriverKit and SEXTs but I'm not in the Apple Developer Program. Is there a way to build a project using DriverKit in Xcode without using a provisioning…
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Conflicting app identifiers after adding HealthKit to Apple Watch Extension

I was adding a watchOS target to my already existing iOS target. Everything worked fine until I added the HealthKit capabilities in the "Signing & Capability" Section of the watchapp.extension. Whereas everything worked fine with the iOS target, the…
3 answers

Getting Invalid Code Signing Entitlements after add note permission (iOS 13)

I need to add and changed to manual signing because of that on iOS 13 (I got Apple permission). I can archive a version, but when I try to send it to App Store I got: ERROR ITMS-90045: "Invalid Code Signing…
1 answer

Xcode error when creating IPA: Doesn't match entitlements file value for application-identifier

I had to upgrade a client iOS project from Swift3 to Swift4 to Swift5 in Xcode 11. Everything works fine, and I am able to create an archive. When I try to Distribute however by creating a QA scheme release build I run into the error as seen in the…
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Setting entitlements on executables

I am developing a macOS program based on the C language. I created a macOS wrapper app called which is supposed to execute the program. I want to sandbox the program and to give it permission to access only certain resources. This is how I…
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icloud entitlement not working in xamarin project - Invalid Code Signing Entitlements errors

We have a feature in our iOS app where user need to pick up a document from his phone. We have used iCloud option as per Apple recommendation and enabled out profile with iCloud. The build is working fine with developer certificate but when we…
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