Questions tagged [cocos2d-iphone-2.x]

Objective-C versions 2.x of cocos2d-iphone. Cocos2d-iphone v2.x versions implement a OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer, previous 1.x and 0.x versions used OpenGL ES 1.1. Cocos2d-iphone is a framework for building 2D games and graphical applications for iOS devices and OS X.

16 questions
1 answer

How to fix "is a dynamic library, not added to the static library" warning?

I just upgraded to Xcode 5.1, and all of a sudden there is a new warning: /Applications/ file: …
Rahul Iyer
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5 answers

Compiling cocos2d-iphone v2.x including arm64

An error occurs when compiling cocos2d-iphone v2.x and including arm64 architecture. The error is in the assembly code for kazmath. Is there a fix for this? (other than removing arm64) libs/kazmath/src/neon_matrix_impl.c: Unknown register name 'q0'…
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1 answer

Xcode 8.3: how to install multiple custom "Project Templates" in Xcode 8.3?

I am trying to install two custom "project templates" in Xcode 8.3.3. To be more specific, I'm trying to install Cocos2D-obj templates for v2.1 and v2.2. (Cocos2D v3 or higher no longer use Xcode templates, but v2.x does.) During the installation,…
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0 answers

Why cocos2d-iphone v2,v3 x-v2 CCLabelBMFont align is not center?

I update cocos2d-iphone for required x64 ios. But my game's CCLabelBMFont all go align error. How can I fix it ? I set txt.anchorPoint = ccp(.25, .5); It worked. But it not the real solution way. here the font resource:…
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include Cocos2d extensions in existing project

How can I add cocos2d-iphone-extensions into an existing cocos2d (2.X) project? When I drag and drop the "/Extensions" folder (fetched from GitHub) into my project, numerous ARC-related errors are displayed.
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Cocos2d-iphone v2 - adinterstitialads show in portrait

I have implemented the adinterstitialad into my game (cocos2d-iphone v2). I have my game set only in landscape mode. When the ad loads it does from left to right and the orientation is the portrait one. What can I do to force in landscape only?
2 answers

numberofactions on a node always returns 1 in cocos2d 2.1

Below sample code never come out of while loop and its printing the number of running actions as 1 always. What I am missing? Thanks in advance Krishna -(id)init { if(self == [super init]) { CCSPrite *mySprt = [CCSprite…
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1 answer

How to test a sprites rotation in cocos2d

I want to stop an action once my sprite gets to a certain rotation. For example: CCAction *rotateUp = [CCRotateTo actionWithDuration:0.3 angle:-35]; [player runAction:rotateUp]; if (player.rotation == -35) { [player stopAction:rotateUp]; …
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3 answers

How to make controls similar to flappy bird in cocos2d

I am making a game in cocos 2d v2 and was wondering how to make my controls similar to flappy bird so when you tap it slowly moves up and when you let go it drops. I am trying to use ccTouchesBegan and ccTouchesEnded but this isn't working quite…
1 answer

Problems in my first Cocos2d application for iPhone?

I'm a beginner of iOS and Cocos2d. I've just integrated Cocos2d 2.1 with xcode 4.2 and using mac os 10.7.3. Just created my first sample application for Cocos2d and I've not written any single line of code but showing error. The errors are…
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Cocos2D 2.x - Multi-touch is laggy, but no FPS drop

In my new game, I have to handle multi touch with cocos2d to move two players at the same time. However, sometimes it looks like the touches are being laggy! When I play, everything is really smooth but then I get a lag out of nowhere with the…
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How to end/remove the Cocos2D animation from UIView?

The Cocos2D version is 2.1. I add a Cocos2D animation to my UIView while searching. After finish searching, I remove the director's view from my UIView: - (void)didFinishSearchAnimation { CCDirectorIOS *director = self.director; …
Xaree Lee
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Cocos2D CCTextureCache stays in memory

I load images in a asynchronous way, for a scroller, using addImageAsync. I start profiling, and saw some memory issue, images stayed in memory. Then I decided to compare addImageAsync vs spriteWithFile, with loading and directly unloading…
1 answer

How to place sprites along a curve in cocos2d

The set up of my game relies on placing several sprites along a curve that may look like a bow , ellipse, or be a bit more complex (assume it would be bezier curve then). I want to be able to place my sprites in somewhat equal distances apart. Can…
2 answers

Re-enabling touch detection on Layers in cocos2d

I am using cocos2d 2.1 version to code up a simple board game on iOS. The logic requires disabling touch detection on individual layers for a predefined period of time. While disabling touch detection on individual layers works just fine I am having…