Questions tagged [cloudkit-web-services]

69 questions
1 answer

Cloudkit JS query filterby recordName gives error

Working on a website in which I pass a recordName to a second page via the URL. I see the correct parse of the recordName {data} and then attempt to use it for a query with a filterBy as follows: var query = { recordType: 'Events', …
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CloudKit JS sequential query with reference filter in Knockoutjs

Working on the website complement to an iOS app and my lack of javascript knowledge is showing and I could use some guidance. My CloudKit database has at least two recordTypes: Events and Organization, each with multiple fields. The Organization…
2 answers

CloudKit Authentication Returning 404

I'm working on a web app that grabs data from an iOS app using CloudKit. As part of the application, they must login using their AppleID. However, when I try to login, I'm getting a 404. I request the following…
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Creating a reference with CloudKit JS

I'm creating a record that should have a reference to another record. I already created a record that has for RecordName France and for record type Countries. The record I now want to create looks like this: var operations =…
Armand Grillet
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Can't retrieve all records from Cloudkit Cloud (JS)

I have an HTML table I want to populate with values stored in the Cloudkit Dashboard. I have successfully retrieved records and populated my tables with them, and the problem I am noticing is that if I give it some time and try to reload the table…
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How to query for Metadata in CloudKit JS?

I've figured out how to query for some metadata for example calling this in my query: " + record['created'].value + " <-- populates some table data But this comes back undefined which confuses me because the CloudKit dashboard has a value…
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CloudKit as a CMS using a regular web host, not sure where to begin? Is it possible?

CloudKit JS looks interesting. Yes, I know all about Parse, but was wondering if we can build a simple CMS on my server that can use the new CloudKit JS features: Authenticate, Add, Delete, etc. Or can this only run as a CMS in an App environment…
Edward Potter
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Buy premium services in web, store purchases in CloudKit, avoid pay 30%

If I create a CloudKit connected website, where users could buy premium services to the app, an e-purchase system would implemented and when purchase completes, I would store a Purchase recordType and then I would enable use-cases in app. Do you…
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How to perform CloudKit Server-to-Server authentication

I'm following Composing Web Service Requests To perform the Discovering All User Identities (GET users/discover). The idea is to get this simple request working and later make more sophisticated requests like uploading an asset. The code below is…
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