Questions tagged [cloudkit-web-services]

69 questions
1 answer

Cloudkit JS && Node JS

I'm currently trying to perform server side connection to iCloud Server using the new CloudKit JS from Apple. According to the WWDC 2015 "CloudKit JS and Web Service", since CloudKit JS is a pure JS framework, you can use it in all JS environnements…
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Verify backend calls from iOS app

I am trying to find an equivalent of this Android verification but for iOS. Initially posted in a blog post but now incorporated into the main android documentation, the verification lets you know 3 things: Then, you know that: The token was…
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Export Data from CloudKit

I am interacting with the cloudkit dashboard and looking at data collected by my app. How can I export all the data from the dashboard (data-> csv or json) so that I can do some analytics on it? Thanks!
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Not sure how to generate an ECDSA signature, given a private key and a message

I'm following Apple's guide towards composing a CloudKit Web Services request. The bit I'm having trouble with is Step 2, under "Authenticate Web Service Requests": Compute the ECDSA signature of this message with your private key. Before…
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Access CloudKit from Android?

Is it possible to use CloudKit Web Service from Android native app? How will that authentication popup window appear in a native app if I want to let user able to modify records? Can I put a button to the native app, that will open up browser and…
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How can I use CloudKit web services to query based on a reference field?

I've got two CloudKit data objects that look somewhat like this: Parent Object: { "records": [ { "recordName": "14102C0A-60F2-4457-AC1C-601BC628BF47-184-000000012D225C57", "recordType": "ParentObject", …
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Authorization error on call to server-to-server CloudKit Web Services

I'm attempting to implement some basic integration with CloudKit web services, following Apple's guide for authenticating requests. I've followed some help from this and this question as to how to properly authorize requests, and seem to be…
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Using android device with CloudKit JS without an iCloud account

While watching WWDC 2015 CloudKit JS, I realized that an android device user might need an iCloud to request data from the CloudKit DB since an apple user needs the iCloud account to be turned on. Is my assumption correct? There is no way to have…
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CloudKit JS query with IN comparator and array value

I'm doing a CloudKit JS web app. I'm facing a problem doing a query with the comparator IN. I tried in with different values for the fieldValue property but none of them succeed. Here is the query: var publicIDs = ['TEST_ID']; var query = { …
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Security of CloudKit.js

So I read through the example which Apple gave us (CloudKit catalog) and I noticed that everytime you want to write or read you need to put your API token into the script. Now Javascript is clientbased which means every user can read the API token…
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iOS CloudKit Fetching assets stop working

I am working on application in which I stored the images in a cloud kit public database.I fetch the images from the cloud kit using perform query. Suddenly it stops working. It shows me error: Internal Error" (1/1000); "Encountered an error fetching…
1 answer

CloudKit API with Python

My iOS app uses CloudKit as it's backend. The app basically collects simple user info (name, company, email phone). I would like to export all this data from the cloudkit dashboard into a csv file so that I can then upload this data into a…
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CloudKitJS Server to Server Configure

I'm having trouble getting this to work. I keep getting the following error: [Error: No key provided to sign] Here is my config code: CloudKit.configure({ services: { fetch: fetch }, containers: [{ containerIdentifier:…
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Is there anyway to import bulk data through the CloudKit Dashboard?

I see how to create record types and add records one at a time in the CloudKit dashboard. I want to try adding a few hundred records for testing. Is there any way to import CSV or JSON files into dashboard?
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How to save records with Asset field use server-to-server cloudkit.js

I want to use server-to-server cloudkit js. to save record with Asset field. the Asset field is a m4a audio. after saved, the audio file is corrupt to play The Apple's Doc is not clear about the Asset field. In a record that is being saved to the…
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