Questions tagged [caucho]

Caucho is an information technology company that produces web server software and application server software as well as the originators of Quercus and Hessian open source projects.

  • Caucho is a fast Java EE solution for web applications.

    Standard features include:

    • Clustering
    • Distributed caching
    • Adaptive health Monitoring
  • Caucho is Caucho’s implementation of PHP written in Java to improve performance, scalability and security of PHP applications

  • Caucho is a fast, compact, binary protocol that not only outperforms XML-based remoting protocols like SOAP and XML-RPC but also meets or exceeds the performance of other binary protocols like ORMI and Java JNI

18 questions
8 answers

Would you recommend Google Protocol Buffers or Caucho Hessian for a cross-language over-the-wire binary format?

Would you recommend Google Protocol Buffers or Caucho Hessian for a cross-language over-the-wire binary format? Or anything else, for that matter - Facebook Thrift for example?
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1 answer

User authentication on Resin webserver

I'm currently tasked with replacing an Apache + Resin Java web server with a Resin-only configuration. Currently in our apache setup, we use .htaccess and a small user database to provide passwording at a directory level. Does anyone know the…
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1 answer

Where is the "" new Maven2 repository address?

I add the "" or "" repository address but is error .Message is Unable to update index for caucho release repository| Resource does not…
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2 answers

Exception: WELD-000071 Managed bean class com.caucho.jms.MemoryQueue must be @Dependent while installing Quercus on Glassfish

I am trying to install Quercus 4.0.37 on Glassfish 4.0, while deploying it on glassfish from admin interface I am getting this error: Exception while loading the app : CDI definition failure:WELD-000071 Managed bean class com.caucho.jms.MemoryQueue…
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1 answer

Resin's `pomegranate' - auto-magical-loading maven jar dependencies for a project - but how to generate jars with pom.xml for them?

Resin java server has a neat feature they call pomegranate ( ) which allows to just put various jar dependencies in server's directory (project-jars/) and then it loads them for a web-app from its pom.xml…
Horacy Oliwka
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1 answer

Erorr Connecting database in Quercus on tomcat

I am using Quercus for my blog combined with another Spring+MySQL+tomcat main app(2 war in 1 server). On my localhost i am able to compile WordPress PHP files compiled and everything seems great. But when i put same configuration on my hosting…
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1 answer

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space with Resin and EclipseLink

Ever since I added EclipseLink to my setup I keep getting memory errors every few minutes. It really sucks because Eclipse (IDE) can't even stop resin once that happens and I have to go to the command line to kill it. The error is usually…
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2 answers

How to get list of servlet parameters in a web server?

I'm working on a project of web data mining to extract information directly from HTML by crawling server pages. My effort is concentrated only in an specific website which has a java web server, with caucho resin installed. Parameters are passed by…
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1 answer

How do you execute cleanup code on shutdown in Resin?

Is there a way to register a function in Resin so that it runs whenever Resin is shut down? I know you can init servlets on startup, but I need to make sure that all of my exec()'ed processes are terminated when the server is shutdown.
Z O.
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1 answer

Java How to - Spring Caucho Hessian Client with SSL

I am trying to consume SSL secured Spring/Java Hessian Service. Problem: No where I could find an example how can I setup SSL to pass my client certificate :( Any help here is most appreciated. Server Setup With Jetty Application am exposing…
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3 answers

Executing Server Jar Programatically (Caucho Resin)

I have successfully used the Caucho Resin web server and I'm considering of packaging it into a java application. They provide a jar file and code in order to start the server programatically. Example: example/ package…
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1 answer

Removing query strings from Resin access log

It appears that our resin server is logging the arguments of a GET request. Is there a way for us to configure the logs to not output the query string, or to not output it on certain cases? This is our access log configuration.
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1 answer

How can you disable SSL compression on Resin?

I'm trying to disable SSL compression on my Resin 4.0.35 pro server because of the CRIME vulnerability but I'm just not sure how to do it, I don't see any options on the…
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0 answers

Resin is showing my app as active but I am getting 404

as In topic my war is running without errors on Jetty / Tomcat but when I deploy it to the Resin 4 It shows as running / active in the deployed applications tab on the resin-admin panel. Nothing unusual in the logs as well. But when I try to access…
Marcin Wasiluk
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1 answer

How to include PHP script into JSF page under tomcat or resin?

I have worked JSF application under Tomcat. In the same project I configured, also using, PHP as described in Caucho Resin site (Link) But when I try to include separated PHP working script into JSG page, page is fails. I have test.php…
Armen Arzumanyan
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