Questions tagged [camera-roll]

157 questions
1 answer

react native same snapshot to camera roll

I'm using react native and this library to take a screenshot of an image over the camera: My project is compiling correctly and I am able to click on my "take screenshot" button which does return a uri…
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Ionic get all thumbnails from camera roll

I'm building an app where the user needs to be able to select photos from their camera roll I know I can use the cordova-camera pluggin for selecting one photo at a time or the cordova-imagePicker plugin for selecting multiple photos, but I want a I…
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How to insert all photos and videos from camera roll into array?

Is there a way to add everything from your camera roll to an array?
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PHPhotoLibrary - overwrite bunch of photos without or with one confirmation alert

The task is to sync set of images in a custom album on iPhone with content of the app. So they are created by the app, and then user can change something inside the app, and all images should be modified. The problem is that Photos Framework asks…
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Read Exif data from picture of MediaLibrary in Windows Phone 8.1

Code: MediaLibrary mediaLibrary = new MediaLibrary(); var pictures = mediaLibrary.Pictures; foreach (var picture in pictures) { // get Exif data here } How can i get the Exif property for the picture orientation…
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Adding photo to custom folder using PHPhotoLibrary also adds photo to camera roll

I am using PHPhotoLibrary to create a custom folder and add pictures in it. It works ok, but the picture I am adding to the custom folder is also added to the "camera roll" folder. I found this old thread Add photos in custom album also added in…
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3 answers

iOS Permission for Accessing Photos not working on device

I want to save images in to the ios camera roll. It works well in the simulator. but on the actual iPhone I don't get a permission prompt like this: - (void)saveImageToCameraRoll:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command { CDVPluginResult* pluginResult =…
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App crashes on enabling Camera Access from Settings iOS 9

I've read this almost duplicate question: App crashes on enabling Camera Access from Settings iOS 8 , but my issue isn't solved there. After initially denying permission for photo library access, I deep link to settings. After enabling access to…
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Cordova android App crashes when selecting an image from camera roll in some devices

In some versions of android apps crashes when an image selecting from camera roll. It works fine in android 5 but sometimes app crashes in 4.2, 4.3.
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2 answers

Get All Images from cameraroll asynchrously

I want to get all images from cameraroll asynchrously Now I am using that code but my application got hanged untill all the images retrieved , I noticed in instigram or other application it doen't take time to load picture from…
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Set Image.Source from photo in camera roll

In my Windows Phone 8.1 App i take a photo with the camera and save this in the camera roll and save the image path in a temporary object: var picture = library.SavePictureToCameraRoll(fileName, e.ImageStream); geophoto.ImagePath =…
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Hard delete video from camera roll through the app in ios

Is there a way to hard delete video through the app? I mean if I delete the video from app it will also be deleted from the camera roll.
Gobinda Das
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How we can upload camera roll image automatically to server

How I can upload a camera roll image automatically to server? This same thing implemented in Dropbox and Google Photos and some other apps also. What should I do to achieve such kind of functionality in my app?
Adarsh G J
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If/Else statement with UIKit Functions in Swift

I'm trying to figure out a way to have my iOS app save a screenshot to the Camera Roll and then pop up an alert to tell the user that the screenshot was saved successfully. The only way I can think to do this would be with some form of an if/else…
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1 answer

How can I select a picture from the camera roll, then save it to the "Supporting Files" folder of my app, then pick up the name of the saved file?

I'm building an iOS game in Objective-C, and part of it is the ability to unlock new "ships". Now, I have a few, but I want a "custom ship" option, where the user selects an image from their camera roll, and then it displays as a ship in-game. So, I…
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