Questions tagged [calc]

calc refers to anything remotely related to anything about calculating anything. Because of its vague purpose, it should be avoided.

refers to anything remotely related to anything about calculating anything. Because of its vague purpose, it should be avoided.

383 questions
1 answer

Javascript calculation with multiplying

I have 3 text inputs as you can see in this JSFiddle The thing I need is a JavaScript calculator that will multiply the first input value by 0.04, the second input by 0.04 and the third input by 0.08 and then add all them together and echo it. And…
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iOS - rounding a float with roundf() is not working properly

I am having issue with rounding a float in iPhone application. float f=4.845; float s= roundf(f * 100.0)/100; NSLog(@"Output-1: %.2f",s); s= roundf(484.5)/100; NSLog(@"Output-2: %.2f",s); Output-1: 4.84 Output-2: 4.85 Let me know…
Paras Gandhi
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2 answers

Runtime.getRuntime().exec(), how to execute file from website link?

So far I've got this line to work perfectly and it executes calc.exe on my computer: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("calc.exe"); But how can I download and execute a file from a website link? For example I found this code on…
0 answers

CSS calc function with actual width value from another element

I want to change the width of an div, according to a actual value of another div. The problem is, that div "first" takes the actual wide from resize property. #first { resize: horizontal; max-width: 200px; min-width: 100px; } #second { width:…
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Display words nicely without blank space with css

Facing troubles to display nicely two words lists aside, inquiring some advises. What I am looking to do is to display two words list in the screen sides, somewhat as a background cloud, keeping them aligned with the css direction (left to right,…
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Sum of two input fields > output into third

i would like to output a calculation of two input fields into a third, while it is typed in (keyup, i think?). The following is just a visual example, cause I don't know how to do it better:
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1 answer

BMI Calculator application

I am creating a simple BMI calculator to help with learning javascript. I have the following base code but have a couple of questions about how I could expand the capability. Is there a way that I can generate a picture that is displayed when a…
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How do I concatenate cells and ignoring empty cells

How can I merge 2 Columns contents in One another cells. I used Open Office Calc Software. Cell A ; Cell B - but some of cell B Columns are empty Strings/contents. I try like this = CellA & " ; " & CellB. It work ok, but i don't want to have the…
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1 answer

When I put two or more operators in eg '*' and error occurs, feel free to edit code

Operation error when two operations are clicked, i want error handling to take place so i cant put multiple * in a row namespace Calculator_Assignment { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { …
1 answer

Calc Between Date On sql OR

i can Calc Between 4 Date StratDate: 1394/01/01 EndDate: 1394/01/30 Case1: how Calc only 15 day first Case2: Continue 15 To 31 i have use Sql server and Start from 1394/01/01 to 1394/01/15 = 15 continue 1394/01/15 to 1394/01/30 =…
1 answer

Why does my calculator look odd on other computers?

Why does my calculator look odd on other computers? Is there any JS, HTML5 or CSS code to make it look the same on all computers? Why does this happen? Have been trying to fix this for hours, have not found any tutorials or StackOverFlow posts that…
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1 answer

Creating a calculator in TkInter, text field displacing buttons

I'm trying to make a calculator using the grid format in tkinter but the text field is displacing the buttons. I am a beginner to Python and simply stuck. This is my part of source code: from Tkinter import* #function for about menu def about(): …
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1 answer

How to calculate difference time value retrieved from phpMyadmin without using DATETIME?

I've done a bit of searching and there is a bunch of information on calculating the Time difference between two Times. But I'm not sure why my code isn't working. This is Hotel Management system input value interface. This is the involved database…
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1 answer

Find count of no. of days and no. of event

Is it possible to calculate in r the number of days and count of b in var r from the following table: id r s t u 1 a 100 1 27-06-2017 1 a 200 0 29-06-2017 1 b 300 0 01-07-2017 2 a 500 1 12-06-2017 3 b 100 0 …
1 answer

Excel - For each Found Value Divide by Horizontal Ammount

Edit: Apparently asking for excel help invokes down votes? Please explain your reason for down-voting in comment. cause i cannot see a valid reason reading from the rules. I find this hard to explain in words. So i made an detailed image explaining…
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