Questions tagged [text-alignment]

Most word processing programs give you the capability to change the text alignment of a block of text. This setting determines how the text is displayed horizontally on the page. The four primary types of text alignment include left aligned, right aligned, centered, and justified.

Left Aligned - This setting is often referred to as "left justified," but is technically called "flush left." It is typically the default setting when you create a new document. Left aligned text begins each line along the left margin of the document. As you type, the first word that does not fit on a line is placed at the left margin on the next line. This results in a straight margin on the left and a "ragged edge" margin on the right

Right Aligned - This setting is also called "right justified," but is technically known as "flush right." It aligns the beginning of each line of text along the right margin of the document. As you type, the text expands to the left of the cursor. If you type more than one line, the next line will begin along the right margin. The result is a straight margin on the right and a "ragged edge" margin on the left. Right justification is commonly used to display the company name and address near the top of a business document.

Centered - As the name implies, centered text is placed in the center of each line. As you type, the text expands equally to the left and right, leaving the same margin on both sides. When you start a new line, the cursor stays in the center, which is where the next line begins. Centered text is often used for document titles and may be appropriate for headers and footers as well.

Justified - Justified text combines left and right aligned text. When a block of text is justified, each line fills the entire space from left to right, except for the paragraph indent and the last line of a paragraph. This is accomplished by adjusting the space between words and characters in each line so that the text fills 100% of the space. The result is a straight margin on each side of the page. Justified text is commonly used in newspapers and magazines and has become increasingly popular on the Web as well.

In most word processors, the text alignment options are typically located in the program's primary toolbar. They are often displayed as a row of four icons, which include the left, centered, right, and justified alignment options. These options may also be available in the program's Format menu. You can either select the appropriate setting before you begin typing, or select a block text and choose the text alignment to apply the new setting. If you want to apply a new text alignment to an entire document, use the Edit → Select All command, then select the alignment you want to use.

819 questions
49 answers

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

I have a UILabel with space for two lines of text. Sometimes, when the text is too short, this text is displayed in the vertical center of the label. How do I vertically align the text to always be at the top of the UILabel?
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6 answers

`col-xs-*` not working in Bootstrap 4

I have not encountered this before, and I am having a very hard time trying to find the solution. When having a column equal to medium in bootstrap like so:

Hello, world!

22 answers

How to set top-left alignment for UILabel for iOS application?

I have added one label in my nib file, then its required to have top-left alignment for that lable. As I am providing text at runtime so its not sure that how much lines there are. So if text contains only single line then it appears as…
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8 answers

Under which circumstances textAlign property works in Flutter?

In the code below, textAlign property doesn't work. If you remove DefaultTextStyle wrapper which is several levels above, textAlign starts to work. Why and how to ensure it is always working? import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() =>…
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1 answer

How to left align text in annotate from ggplot2

My example is: qplot(mtcars$mpg) + annotate(geom = "text", x = 30, y = 3, label = "Some text\nSome more text") How do I get the text here to be left aligned? So that the 'Some's line up with each other.
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7 answers

How to center a two-line text in a TextView on Android?

I want to let it looks like this: | two | | lines | Here is the current layout, not working at all.
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4 answers

Text/Layout Alignment in Android (textAlignment, gravity)

What's the difference between android:textAlignment and android:gravity?
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7 answers

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

Is there a way to align text when printing using std::cout? I'm using tabs, but when the words are too big they won't be aligned anymore. Sales Report for September 15, 2010 Artist Title Price Genre Disc Sale Tax Cash Merle Blue …
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3 answers

How can I horizontally center a button element in a div element?

I don't want to add CSS to my div element (e.g.
). I only want to add CSS code to the button element.
How can I center the button horizontally in this case?
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3 answers

Align text in JLabel to the right

I have a JPanel with some JLabel added with the add() method of JPanel. I want to align the JLabel to the right like the image below but I don't know how to do that. Any Idea? Thanks!
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8 answers

set view text align at center in spinner in android

view-text-in-the-center-of-the-spinner-when-select-from-the-drop-down-list I want to align the view text of spinner to center. I google it but didn't find anything, does anybody knows about this? any help or suggestion are appreciated
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2 answers

How to center a text using PDFBox

My question is very simple: how can I center a text on a PDF, using PDFBox? I don't know the string in advance, I can't find the middle by trial. The string doesn't always have the same width. I need either: A method that can center the text,…
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6 answers

Aligning text in bootstrap tooltip

Bootstrap tooltip aligns text to the middle by default. I'd like to align to the left. Is there any nice way of doing this within HTML, instead of modifying CSS file? Here is my sample code:

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6 answers

Difference between and

I don't understand this: I have tried to center the text-align of a HTML tag but it did nothing... With the
tag, everything worked. Same sittuation with setting margin: 0px auto; in css. Why does the span tag not support the text-align;…
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2 answers

Trouble left-aligning UIButton title (iOS/Swift)

I'm having a problem left-aligning a UIButton's text. I also tried changing it to .Right but it still stays centered. I also tried aButton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 20, bottom: 0, right: 0) instead of…
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