
Operation error when two operations are clicked, i want error handling to take place so i cant put multiple * in a row

namespace Calculator_Assignment
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        float num, ans;
        int count;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void Button_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button button = (Button)sender;          //adds the numbers into the screen when clicked
            Screen.Text = Screen.Text + button.Text;
            Screen.ForeColor = Color.Red; //text that entered appears red


        private void operatorclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button button = (Button)sender;            //adds the symbols into the screen when clicked
            Screen.Text = Screen.Text + button.Text;  //all symbols are under button_click so i do not have to repeat the code over/

        private void Clearclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Screen.Clear(); //when clicked clears the screen
            Result.Clear(); //when clicked clears the result 


        private void Decimalclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Screen.Text = Screen.Text + "."; //adds decimal point to screen when/if clicked 
            Screen.ForeColor = Color.Red; //decimal point appears red


        private void Closebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Close(); // closes the application down 

        private void plusclick(object sender, EventArgs e) //addition

            num = float.Parse(Screen.Text);
            Screen.Clear(); //clears the screen of everything
            Screen.Focus(); //textbox is focused upon when the screen is cleared
            count = 1; //this counts the store case
            Screen.Text = num.ToString() + "+"; //this puts the text onto the top text box


        private void multiplyclick(object sender, EventArgs e) //multiply 
            num = float.Parse(Screen.Text);
            Screen.Clear(); //clears the screen of everything
            Screen.Focus(); //textbox is focused upon when the screen is cleared
            count = 3; //this counts the store case
            Result.Text = num.ToString() + "*"; //this puts the text onto the top textbox          

        private void divideclick(object sender, EventArgs e)  //divide
            num = float.Parse(Screen.Text);
            Screen.Clear(); //clears the screen of everything
            Screen.Focus(); //textbox is focused upon when the screen is cleared
            count = 4; //this counts the store case
           Screen.Text = num.ToString() + "/"; //this puts the text onto the 

        private void subtractclick(object sender, EventArgs e) //subtract
            num = float.Parse(Screen.Text);
            Screen.Clear(); //clears the screen of everything
            Screen.Focus(); //textbox is focused upon when the screen is cleared
            count = 2; //this counts the store case
           Result.Text = num.ToString() + "-"; //this puts the text onto the label

        private void equalsclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (count) //initalising switch statement 
                case 1:
                     ans = num + float.Parse(Screen.Text);//Adding numbers 
                    Result.Text = ans.ToString();         //this converts my answer from a float to a string
                case 2:
                    ans = num - float.Parse(Screen.Text); //Subtracting numbers
                    Result.Text = ans.ToString();         //float to a string 
                case 3:
                    ans = num * float.Parse(Screen.Text);  //Multiplying numbers
                    Result.Text = ans.ToString();          //float to a string 
                case 4:
                    ans = num / float.Parse(Screen.Text); //Division of numbers
                    Result.Text = ans.ToString();         //float to a string
                default:                                  //the default figure


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1 Answers1


Quick solution:

Create a method called void AppendOperator(string operator)

This method should check the previous character before appending it. If the previous character is an operator then simply return.

Call this new method in place of all the locations where you assign a value to Result.Text

AppendOperator implementation example:

    private readonly HashSet<char> _operators = new HashSet<char>() { '+', '*', '-', '/' };

    void AppendOperator(string operation)
        char lastChar = Result.Text.LastOrDefault();
        if (_operators.Contains(lastChar)) return;

        Result.Text = num.ToString() + operation;
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