Questions tagged [browserstack]

BrowserStack is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing.

Testing in Browsers

Test in real browsers including Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (with metro mode).

Testing Android/iOS Apps

Use App Live for manual testing an app on a wide range of different OS versions or use App-Automate to automate the tests to be run on the cloud.

Official real mobile devices and emulators

Provides a wide range of real iOS and Android devices for testing on a combination of various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

Also, supports Windows phone and tablets emulators. Which allows users to test on different combinations.

Test local and internal servers

You can test against any internal/private server or local HTML designs in their remote browsers through our secure tunnel setup via BrowserStack Local Binary support.

Pre-installed developer tools

BrowserStack provides dev tools in real-mobiles which enables debugging cross-browser issues in realtime. For quick cross-browser testing and debugging on Windows or macOS, browsers come with preinstalled tools like Firebug, Developer Toolbar.

Multiple Desktop OS

Test on multiple flavors of Windows and Mac OSX Operating systems.


Screenshots tool provides a quick snapshot of a page by capturing screenshots on a combination of selected devices.

555 questions
1 answer

Intern Runner Test Results Not Showing Browser Info

Please bear with me as I am new at this. I am using Intern Runner to run functional tests on BrowserStack. In the terminal or when using a reporter to output to a file it is not showing the browser information in the test results. I have the…
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Internet Explorer CSS mirroring content?

I'm having an issue with css in Internet Explorer, however it is only showing when i'm testing in Browserstack. It shows on all versions of IE that I test on with Windows 7. On my PC it appears fine with my version of IE and when I change the…
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iPhone and iPad return a blank page in browser test on browserstack

I'm at the point of testing my website using default browsers on browserstack. All my pages seem okay on all browsers except iPhone 6 Plus(portrait) iPad 4th(portrait) Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1(portrait) iPhone 5S(portrait) which are showing a…
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Intern creates one BrowserStack session for all tests

In Intern framework, when I specify multiple tests using functionalSuites config field and run tests using BrowserStack tunnel, only one session is created in BrowserStack (everything is treated as a single test). As a result we have a few…
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Browserstack mix Simple and Parallel tests (java)

I'm using browserstack to run a parallel test. However, this particular test contains two parts: first I have to run a simple part of the test, non parallel, and after that I run the parallel test. My problem is that I'd like to join all that into…
0 answers

Browserstack-runner tests are timing out with ember-qunit tests

I have an ember-cli project and all the tests are written using ember-qunit. I am using browserstack-runner to run the tests on Browserstack. browserstack-runner provides the plugin for qunit which I am using. Below is my browserstack.json { …
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4 answers

How to run TestNG test nodes in sequence but all inside classes in parallel for different browser capabilities?

I want to run my automation suite (implemented using Selenium Webdriver (Java) + TestNG + Maven) in parallel against multiple browser capabilities. I can run it in parallel for different capabilities using below sample testng.xml
2 answers

SauceLabs and BrowserStack sending unencrypted credentials

Noticed that 2 of the major Selenium cloud providers use HTTP basic auth and don't use HTTPS. I wonder why and what are the security implications of that decision. SauceLabs this.driver = new RemoteWebDriver( new…
Leo Gallucci
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1 answer

Open new private window for cross browser testing using Selenium Webdriver

In my script, I am opening private window of the browser to verify some contents in website. Below is the sample code: if(osName.contains("Mac")){ new…
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Selenium WebDriver ElementNotVisibleError with IE 10 on Browserstack

I have rspec tests using Capybara which work great locally and on browserstack with a configuration of OS X Mavericks/Chrome 33 on browserstack. When I change the configuration to Windows 7 / IE 10 I'm getting an ElementNotVisibleError on the last…
Arthur Frankel
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1 answer

Browser Stack | Selenium Webdriver | Handling Windows host file enteries

I have Hybrid Framework using Selenium Webdriver that successfully executes test cases against Firefox, Chrome and IE. Now, I wanted to run this entire suite using Browserstack. However, when I try to access the application I make entries in the…
3 answers

Logging for rspec selenium/capybara tests running in Browserstack

I am building a set of automated regression tests in ruby using rspec and capybara. To give you an idea of a test, imagine logging in to a website, adding a new data item with all of its fields, saving it, validating the new row, updating the row,…
Arthur Frankel
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0 answers

Are there limitations to using cURL for testing ancient browsers?

I need to tell nginx to handle requests from IE 6 & 7 differently than all other browsers. So I've written a small check to rewrite the request in nginx: if (\$http_user_agent ~ "MSIE [67]\.") { rewrite ^ ${ROOT_ROOT}ancient/ last; …
Bryce Johnson
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1 answer

Browserstack/selenium can't find driver

I am using browserstack for my testing, and I can't get browserstack to recognize the driver. The test works and passes with flying colors when I run it locally, and the example test that browserstack provides also passes without error. Here is my…
1 answer

Unexpected behavior with nginx rewrite to location alias

For some reason, the rewrite to location /ancient/ isn't working. If I switch out "/ancient/" for "" (or any URL), the rewrite works. So I know my check for IE 6 is working. Also, if I try to directly access /etc/static/ancient/…
Bryce Johnson
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