Questions tagged [browsermob]

BrowserMob Proxy is a simple utility that makes it easy to capture performance data from browsers.

BrowserMob Proxy uses web automation utilities like Selenium to capture performance data in the HAR format. It can be integrated in a Java application or interacted through the REST interface.

It addition it also can actually control HTTP traffic, such as:

  • blacklisting and whitelisting certain URL patterns
  • simulating various bandwidth and latency
  • remapping DNS lookups
  • flushing DNS caching
  • controlling DNS and request timeouts
  • automatic BASIC authorization
127 questions
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Har file always returns empty when run via browsermob proxy in selenium

I'm trying to read sources of page traversed during selenium replay via browsermob proxy but I always get an empty har file. Selenium 3.141 browsermob-core 2.1.5 jar Below is my code. If I set WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options); page gets…
0 answers

Using proxies with Selenium WebDriver and chrome

Im writing a selenium-webdriver script in ruby and im trying to figure out how to make the browser window that selenium opens use a proxy with user pass authentication. i.e. (234.43.234:2345:user:pass) so far my code is thus.... def…
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BrowserMob Proxy and Webdriverio minimal, empty HAR file

I was wondering if anyone has any idea as to what could be the problem or additional steps I could take in resolving the following issue. I have a requirement to capture the network traffic so I can write some selenium tests verifying certain…
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selenium/browsermob addheader not working (2.1.5)

I have been scouring the interwebs for days on this and cant seem to find anything that actually works. I have seen a lot of questions/examples and none of them work for me. Java 1.8, Eclipse 4.7.3a, Selenium-server-standalone-,…
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Get only POST request/response in BrowserMob in Java

It is possible to filter all har object and get only POST request/response? Maybe during initialized BrowserMobProxyServer is way to do it? I need to save har object into file and upload into har viewer. Har har = proxyServer.getHar();
Mateusz Sobczak
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OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error when trying to start server using browsermobproxy

from browsermobproxy import Server server = Server("path/to/browsermob-proxy") server.start() proxy = server.create_proxy() from selenium import webdriver profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() profile.set_proxy(proxy.selenium_proxy()) driver =…
1 answer

cannot get to Selenium Proxy when setting up through BrowserMob

I am able to create a Selenium proxy using BrowserMob everything work well on my my local PC. When I run the same code on a server (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard) it errors our "cannot connect to tunnel". I have tried different combinations of…
1 answer

Not able to capture canceled requests using browsermobproxy

In my website I am getting canceled requests in network traffic. But I am not able to capture them in browsermobproxy har file. How can I get canceled request in har file.
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Browsermob standalone server : Not able to capture HAR : Mobile

I am trying to capture HAR using browsermob standalone server. But, once the server is started and server:port is configured in mobile i am not able to connect to internet. Below is the steps i have followed. Download browsermob from below location…
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BrowserMob cannot work with Selenium Webdriver

I am working with capture traffic from Chrome browser by BrowserMob. I download BrowserMob app with .bat files. I also work with Selenium Webdriver. I add .cs files to Browser project from Github. What I want is get network traffic. My code is:…
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BrowserMob + selenium + java. How to create new response filter during on test scenario?

I need to create one more response filter during one test scenario. But now when I do this both filters work at the same time. How could I stop or override the previous one without stopping current browser instance? Code…
1 answer

Why is browsermobproxy not working for my internal ip?

While I am used to python, I am not very familiar with all the protocols used by browser. I am not trying to setup a proxy for my selenium webdriver and this is the code that I use. from browsermobproxy import Server, Client server =…
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2 answers

Set up browsermobproxy to run successfully with appium and sauce labs

I am unable to create a BMP to capture traffic from my Java tests being run in Sauce labs. Has anyone ever completed this task successfully? Here is my exmaple code: public class AppiumTestBase { BrowserMobProxy proxy; public…
1 answer

maven cannot find symbol symbol: class ProxyServer-browsermob

I am using the following example to add proxy browsermob with Selenide and Selenium. I used the this link. I run it with Eclipse and I a successfully running it. but when I tried it with Maven. I have the following Error: location: package…
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Browsermob proxy server crashes websites

trying to use browsermob proxy server by falling code: final int port = 9000; server = new ProxyServer(port); server.start(); final DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities(); …
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