Questions tagged [browsermob]

BrowserMob Proxy is a simple utility that makes it easy to capture performance data from browsers.

BrowserMob Proxy uses web automation utilities like Selenium to capture performance data in the HAR format. It can be integrated in a Java application or interacted through the REST interface.

It addition it also can actually control HTTP traffic, such as:

  • blacklisting and whitelisting certain URL patterns
  • simulating various bandwidth and latency
  • remapping DNS lookups
  • flushing DNS caching
  • controlling DNS and request timeouts
  • automatic BASIC authorization
127 questions
2 answers

ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE in Chrome when use BrowserMobProxy for selenium test

I've created simple method for get network traffic from Chrome: public void saveNetworkTraffic() { System.setProperty("", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/bin/chromedriver"); String sFileName = "networklog.xar"; …
5 answers

Selenium (Chrome) and BrowserMob doesn't work for https

I have been trying to integrate BrowserMob to my selenium tests. It works fine with website that work on http, but with https websites the browsers stop working and the HAR file doesn't contain any requests. When navigating to a https site I get…
Madis Kangro
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1 answer

How do you set the port for ChromeDriver in Selenium?

As some background, I'm playing around with BrowserMob proxy and I am getting blocked by the port settings. So I'd like to know how to set a port by myself. Server srv = new Server(@"C:\BMob\browsermob\bin\browsermob-proxy.bat"); srv.Start(); …
1 answer

browsermob har file precision

I'm using browsermob with selenium to create a har file then trying to analyze the file. Looking in the file I'm getting timing like: 'startedDateTime': '2016-05-31T14:37:06.752-06:00' This is great and all but I'd like more precision, out to the…
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Progammatic browsing performance issues

I'm using Selenium (in Java) to do programmatic browsing (Firefox) and, to speed up page loading, I'm going through a programmatic Java proxy running in the same application (Browsermob) to prevent the loading of external content (ads, etc) as I…
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WebdriverIO & Browsermob

I'm currently trying to use Browsermob with WebdriverIO and I found this code on another answer, but when I run it, the firefox browser comes up and I see activity in the console windows I have selenium and browsermob-proxy running, but it does not…
Van Patton
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0 answers

How to get HAR from Selenium SafariDriver browser via browsermob-proxy?

I am trying to get HAR object from Safari driver. I have created a driver object via Selenium but when I am getting entries from the har object, it is empty. What is the issue? Who know how to get HAR from Selenium SafariDriver browser? ... …
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1 answer

Is there any way to capture selenium request headers with python?

I want to capture an authorization header from an outgoing request, either directly with selenium or through a proxy. Methods I've tried: Getting request log with driver.get_log('performance') => Only some requests seem to be indexed, and none…
0 answers

Open App Store while connected to BrowserMob proxy

I'm using BrowserMob proxy to monitor iOS device network data - HTTP and HTTPS requests. The problem is that when I try to open App Store on the device, the requests are blocked by App Store (because of SSL pinning). I've encountered this issue…
0 answers

Browser-Mob Intercepting multiple requests with same url but want to send back different response

I want to intercept requests in my application and one of the scenarios I have come across is that - due to nature of the application some of the services have same request endpoint different payload though and I want to send back different…
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BrowserMobProxy with browserstack is not intercepting the response

I am using JAVA + SELENIUM web-driver + browser mobproxy + browserstacklocal ( embeded) compile 'com.browserstack:browserstack-local-java:1.0.2' compile 'net.lightbody.bmp:browsermob-core:2.1.5' Locally its working fine as I am able to intercept…
1 answer

Set a passthrough using browsermob proxy?

So I'm using browsermob proxy to login selenium tests to get passed IAP for Google Cloud. But that just gets the user to the site, they still need to login to the site using some firebase login form. IAP has me adding Authorization header through…
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1 answer

URL blacklisting with BrowserMobProxy in Robot Framework/Selenium?

I'm using RobotFramework with Selenium library for writing automated test cases for various websites. I've encountered an issue where due to slow loading from third-party URLs, some pages take forever to load and I want to block them to speed up…
1 answer

Activate Ecc for Browsermob/Selenium

I have the problem that the testing with Selenium and browsermob becomes very slow for certain websites. Here is my current code for setting up the server and proxy: server = Server(path_browsermob) server.start() proxy =…
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Selenium with BrowserMob - 404 errors

I'm currently trying to setup Selenium WebDriver with BrowserMob, to capture network requests in a test. At the moment my setup is as follows: Development Machine running TomCat on, port 8080 On the webdriver: System.out.println(…
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