Questions tagged [browsermob]

BrowserMob Proxy is a simple utility that makes it easy to capture performance data from browsers.

BrowserMob Proxy uses web automation utilities like Selenium to capture performance data in the HAR format. It can be integrated in a Java application or interacted through the REST interface.

It addition it also can actually control HTTP traffic, such as:

  • blacklisting and whitelisting certain URL patterns
  • simulating various bandwidth and latency
  • remapping DNS lookups
  • flushing DNS caching
  • controlling DNS and request timeouts
  • automatic BASIC authorization
127 questions
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Browsermob causes error in IntelliJ created jar file

I'm trying to create executable jar for Maven Selenium/TestNG/Java test automation project, but I keep getting "Error: Could not find or load main class" when running .jar file. To make sure it is indeed Browsermob causing jar to fail, I created a…
1 answer

Java: Change log level of external library maven dependency

I am using maven to import external dependency BrowserMob Proxy into my Java project: net.lightbody.bmp browsermob-core-littleproxy 2.1.0-beta-3
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Get only request/response with loading time >= 1 Sec BrowserMob in Java

Is it possible to filter the request/response from .HAR whose loading time is >=1 Sec? I need to save har object into seperate file and upload into har viewer. Below is my code to generate .HAR file. //BrowserMobProxy BrowserMobProxy server…
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Obtaining HAR Request\Response C#

When launching browsermob on Windows through the supplied .bat file in a C# solution I am unable to retrieve the request\response data in the supplied HAR file from the REST API. I have attempted setting the /proxy/[port]/har captureContent to true…
1 answer

The Browsermob-Proxy server process failed to start

I encountered this error when I just start the server. Here's the code: server = Server(r"path\to\browsermob-proxy") server.start() Then it stopped and raised an error like this: browsermobproxy.exceptions.ProxyServerError: The Browsermob-Proxy…
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browsermob in JAVA with Selenium doesn't work, different errors for browsers

I using Java with selenium and I want to use browsermob: I using same code for different browsers e.g. firefox: BrowserMobProxyServer proxyServer = new BrowserMobProxyServer(); proxyServer.start(); …
Mateusz Sobczak
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2 answers

Is there a way to capture network using BrowserStack with Selenium?

I use BrowserStack with Selenium-webdriver to run tests on different types of devices and browsers. So actually tests are running by RemoteWebDriver. I know that it's possible to capture network within Selenium tests using BrowserMobProxy, but as i…
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BrowserMob. How to configure BrowserMobProxy through httpclient

I am trying to use BrowserMob proxy library (net.lightbody.bmp) to intercept http requests from some default website (for instance: "") and my question is how to do that ? BrowserMobProxy proxy = new…
0 answers

io.netty.handler.codec.TooLongFrameException: HTTP content length exceeded 2097152 bytes. Exception with selenium and browsermob

I started seeing below issue recently when i run my tests on chrome browser(selenium) io.netty.handler.codec.TooLongFrameException: HTTP content length exceeded 2097152 bytes. at…
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1 answer

Disable system proxy from java

My test script uses Selenium WebDriver with BrowserMob proxy server to simulate slow connection. Starting of the Internet Explorer WebDriver with BrowserMob proxy turns on system proxy. It affects to all connections to the internet (eclipse plugins…
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How does one configure a proxy upstream of browsermob on osx?

I'm looking to configure an upstream proxy for browsermob, preferably programmatically from within a python or shell script. It doesn't look like the python bindings for browsermob include an upstream-proxy configuration command or method. Is there…
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Browsermob HTTPS requests with Auth Headers

I'm trying to use Browsermob proxy to capture information about requests. Have it working for HTTP requests and HTTPS requests that don't have an authorization header. if(product == 'Product'): headers = { 'Authorization':…
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Browsermob proxy how to make it work with selenium grid? [java]

What I have in my code: public BrowserMobProxy getProxy() throws UnknownHostException { if (proxy == null) { proxy = new BrowserMobProxyServer(); proxy.start(0); } return proxy; seleniumProxy =…
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2 answers

Capture network traffic through proxy with Appium and C#

I have spent a lot of time browsing for a solution to my problem: I am testing an Android app and will be testing the same app on iOS too very soon, using Appium and C#. My app receives response from the server, which I would want to go through a…
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1 answer

Browsermob proxy stops capturing on url change?

I'm using browsermob proxy in order to capture traffic with webdrirver(chrome mostly). Here is the problem that I have: As long as I use single page everything is ok ,however when URL changes(due to navigating to other page or redirect), proxy is no…
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