yesterday I merged a preview deploy branch on Netlify with a bunch of changes into the master production branch for the site https://leconturbanti.netlify.app/ . (the main custom domain is https://www.leconturbanti.it)

Although many customers are experiencing cache issues: old site version is loaded, or new site is loaded but netlify functions are not working, others are experiencing in Safari an error regarding SSL, ora an error fetchevent.respondwith no-response no-response.

I also already tried to send a request to renew the SSL.

Personally in my device everything works fine, but indeed for a bunch of other people things are not working.

In the project is installed Nuxt PWA, and the main suspect I believe is the service worker.

What can I do? Maybe here (https://pwa.nuxtjs.org/workbox) someone can point a solution?

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