Questions tagged [breakout]

For questions about reimplementing Breakout video game: Do not use this tag for questions like "How to break out of a loop/function?", consider using "control-flow" and/or "break" tags instead.

130 questions
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How to create a layout of bricks for Breakout game using a data/text file in C++ SFML?

I am creating a classic breakout game in C++ using SFML library. So far I have a movable paddle and ball implemented. Currently, my goal is to create a layout of bricks. So far I have it so that a single brick is displayed. However, I want to make…
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1 answer

Java smooth movement with KeyEvents in breakout

I'm currently learning Java through Stanford's Programming Methodology (2008) course. I'm trying to create the game Breakout and am trying to currently animate the paddle, which is a GRect type object. Here's my code: // moves paddle via…
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OpenAI gym's breakout resets when passed through multiprocessing pipe

When passing an in progress instance of an OpenAI gym breakout environment through a multiprocessing Pipe, the gym environment gets reset without being called. This does not occur when passing a CartPole-v0 environment which retains its progress…
Max Terenzi
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pine script - custom session breakout issue

//@version=4 study("custom Session breakout", overlay=true) my_session = input("1145-1215", type=input.session, title='Custom Session') // Determine if we are in a session // ---------------------------------- in_session = time(timeframe.period,…
0 answers

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'tuple' deepQlearning

so I am trying to run the a deep q learning code from the book: Python Deep Learning: Exploring deep learning techniques, neural network architectures and GANs with PyTorch, Keras and TensorFlow. When I copy pasted the code, it was out of format so…
1 answer

Collision Detection in Python OpenGl

Collision Detection in Python OpenGl I'm working on breakout game by using python opengl and I want to make collision detection between the ball and the bricks (Without using pygame). I tried a lot but I couldn't and I didn't find any tutorials…
Tarek Alabd
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Breakout game JavaScript - Sometimes the ball goes straight through instead of colliding

I'm new to JavaScript and I'm trying to code a somewhat simplified version of the breakout game. It is not done yet, and pretty messy regarding the coding, but it works, almost. My collision detector has some trouble detecting the ball. It does what…
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How can I change the vector of a ball in breakout game made using Java?

I'm using Java to make a breakout game. The independent parts are functioning: the paddle, the ball, the bricks. However, the ball hits a wall and then instead of changing it's vector, the ball just travels up the x-axis in a straight line at the…
1 answer

Brick positions, in Breakout game, using an array in Java

I have been working on a Java project for Uni, the classic arcade game Breakout, and so far have managed to create the bat and ball objects and they work as intended. I'd like to implement the brick wall using an array as making each brick its own…
1 answer

How to keep the ball within the wall boundaries in JavaScript breakout game?

I'm creating a Javascript breakout game but have an issue with keeping the ball within the wall boundaries. On running the program, the paddle works fine with a static ball created right in the middle of the window. Until i set the code to keep the…
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Breakout - omission about the game. Suggestions?

I am trying to make a copy for the breakout in C#. I am almost done with my work but I discovered something that is working wrong. What the game is based on: the ball needs to hit the brick twice to destroy it. And there is the problem: sometimes my…
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2 answers

GLUT Keyboard callback issues with C

I'm currently coding a version of breakout as a quick learning experience of C and OpenGL. Im having some issues with moving the paddle. I've set a keyboard callback so that when the left arrow is pressed, it subtracts 1 from the x value on the…
1 answer

How to remove a rect in pygame using "colliderect" only if the rect has been "hit" x times

I'm making a version of breakout and although the base game is working, I want to make levels and such. So what I want to do is make it so that the brick isn't removed until the ball has hit it x times. I've tried adding a counter: for brick in…
Doe J
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1 answer

How to break an image out of bootstrap container?

I am trying to break an image out of bootstrap container, here is my code,


2 answers

How to have ball collide with bricks in Breakout (racket)

I've been trying to get Breakout to work in Racket, so far the ball bounces from the paddle (paddle is controlled by mouse) and the bricks are present Here is the full on code: (require 2htdp/image) (require 2htdp/universe) (define WIDTH…
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