Questions tagged [2d-games]

2D games are drawn in a two-dimensional space using two-dimensional objects. To represent its position, each game object will have an x and a y coordinate.

2D games are drawn in a two-dimensional space using two-dimensional objects. To represent its position, each game object will have an x and a y coordinate, but not a z coordinate unlike in 3D games.

This can range from top-down games, like dwarf fortress, to side-scrolling ones, like platformers. It would refer to any games where the character / objects can move freely in two dimensions (e.g. left-right & up-down).

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Remember there is also a special StackExchange site: Game Development

1018 questions
2 answers

How to extract part of this image in Java?

I have this sprite sheet: How can I read this image file to extract part of it to be used as a sprite ?
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5 answers

Unity 4.6 - How to scale GUI elements to the right size for every resolution

The new Unity 4.6 comes with a new GUI, when I change de resolution on Unity the UI Button scales perfectly but when I test on the Nexus 7 device the Button looks too small. Any idea how to solve this?
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1 answer

Canvas vs. SVG for games

I realize there are many tutorials and sites and everything answering "Which is better for game applications?" They all say that SVG is not suited towards game applications, that canvas is. But this confuses me. Once something is drawn to the…
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4 answers

Pygame Drawing a Rectangle

Im making a game that requires knowing how to draw a rectangle in python 3.2. I have checked lot of sources but none show exactly how to do it. Thanks!
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7 answers

Toolkit Options for 2D Python Game Programming

What are some toolkits for developing 2D games in Python? An option that I have heard of is Pygame, but is there anything that has more range to do more things? What are the good and bad parts about the modules?
David Locke
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1 answer

Disable key pressing events when they repeat

Is there any way to disable key pressing events when they are repeating? I'm developing a game and when I press a key, the players goes into running mode and goes back to standing mode when the key is released. The problem is that with repeating…
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1 answer

Common usecase diagram for games

I developed a simple 2D puzzle game (like "bejeweled"). It can be played in two modes - "campaign" and "quick game". "Campaign" mode has several levels. Player can save his progress when quit a campaign level. "Quick game" mode just generates random…
Sprint Debugger
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2 answers

The Fastest Way to Batch Calls in WebGL

I'm trying to rewrite my canvas-based rendering for my 2d game engine. I've made good progress and can render textures to the webgl context fine, complete with scaling, rotation and blending. But my performance sucks. On my test laptop, I can get 30…
1 answer

Create a basic 2D platformer game in Unity

I know very little Unity and would like to create a platform 2D game very simple, just using the basic shapes (squares, rectangles, circles, etc.). I searched the internet and I found a more complicated tutorial of what I need. For example, I saw…
1 answer

Not understanding how the bitboard technique works for chess boards

My brain is smoking trying to understand the mechanics of this bitboard technique. In order to make it simple, lets imagine that, instead of chess and a lot of complex piece movements, we have a game with only two pieces and one a row of 8…
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1 answer

how to make Sprite follow bezier curve

Im fairly new to objective-c and sprite kit but i've done games development for a while. Im currently working on a 2d game and i have enemy ships moving from right to left on the screen. Ive been following tutorials for different parts of my game…
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3 answers

AABB collision resolution slipping sides

So, I am currently reinventing the wheel (and learning a lot) by trying my hand at making a simple physics engine for my game engine. I have been searching the internet, trying (and failing) to fix my current problem. There are a lot of resources…
Tim Eriksen
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1 answer

How to find Resolution under Delphi XE5

I started to develop a game under Delphi XE5 for iOS. I have problem with the Resolution feature of the Firemonkey. When I open the screen and I check resolution on the iPhone I get 320x480. But the native resolution of the iPhone 4 and 5 is…
3 answers

How to get started with andengine

Are there any good resources to get started with Andengine? Any good tutorials, blogs or books? Of course, I have visited its official website, but I didn't think the documentation they have is a good starting point.
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2 answers

setting a variable in local storage

Currently designing a game and the idea is that of a high score, so that when the current score is more than the local storage one it is replaced: localStorage.setItem('highScore', highScore); var HighScore = localStorage.getItem('highScore'); if…
Lewis Waldron
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