Questions tagged [breakout]

For questions about reimplementing Breakout video game: Do not use this tag for questions like "How to break out of a loop/function?", consider using "control-flow" and/or "break" tags instead.

130 questions
2 answers

Join tiles in Corona SDK into one word for a Breakout game grid?

I have a game project to re-implement Breakout. I want to display two words, each word on a line. They are joined by the bricks block. Inside, the top line is the first name, aligned left. The bottom line is the last name, aligned right. They are…
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Breakout Game in Java does not pass boolean value after calling remove() method

I have been following the CS106A lectures online and doing the assignments. I've been stuck for a few days though on the breakout game because I cannot understand it's behavior. Basically, I have built the environment, bricks, ball, paddle,…
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Unity - how to use Vector2.Reflect()

I have looked everywhere including the Unity documentation but cannot seem to find any good examples of how to use Unity's Vector2.Reflect() function. I am trying to use this to control the direction of the ball (in a 2D Breakout game) when it hits…
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1 answer

Testing if colors equal

I'm working on the Breakout assignment from the Stanford lectures on iTunes U (still pretty green) and ran into a snarl. I'm trying to set a point value for the different colored bricks so I can calculate a score but my if's don't seem to work. I…
Darren Howell
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Startscreen on Javascript Game / Clickable Play button

I'm in the middle of making a start-screen for my JavaScript Breakout game. I've (poorly) made the background and a play button. The background is inside the canvas, which I want. But when I want to place the clickable play button ontop of the…
1 answer

trouble implementing Breakout DeepMind's model

I am trying to follow DeepMind's paper on Q-learning for the game breakout, and so far the performance is not improving i.e. it is not learning anything at all. Instead of experience replay , i am just running game, saving some data and training and…
5 answers

Brick Collision Java

I have been working on a Breakout game and have just about everything done except for the brick collision. The ball bounces of the wall and paddle fine, but when it comes to the brick it goes straight through them. I'm pretty sure the problem is in…
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Why can't I remove and draw the same java object?

I try to do homework, and I write breakout game. Now,I write the basic function of this game finish.but I want to increase Bonus When ball crash the bonusbricks,I write method to check them and get the color form object that ball crash. } else…
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How should I pass an object to a class to check for collisions?

I'm making a Breakout game in C++ using the SFML library, I have a "paddle" class as well as a "ball" class, both being updated and rendered in a "game" class, which uses a render window from a "window" class. My issue is that in order to determine…
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Javascript/jQuery Is it possible to break out of a function through another function?

I'm doing a script that rotates li's in a given ul. I'd like to know whether it is possible to break a recursion I have when one of the li's is hovered. Ideally I'd create a boolean whether the recursion should continue or not, as I'd like to have…
Matthew Grima
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2 answers

Programming Breakout in Racket (BSL) using big-bang. Running into an error upon placing the paddle

The goal is to make the game Breakout and doing it by steps. I'm already having problems with the first step which is implementing a paddle. The ball and bouncing of the ball was already predefined and given. I wish to put it in the (define (render…
0 answers

SpriteKit physics simulation bounce error

I have a simple breakout game which consists of a node being the ball and some other objects. The problem is when the ball bounces against the wall at a very small angle, it doesn't bounce back, it just slides against the wall indefinitely. Manually…
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1 answer

Collision function not working properly

I'm currently developing a similar game to "Breakout". The problem im having is that whenever the ball goes over the edges of a brick, it neither removes the brick or change the direction of the ball. if (ball.Left > l.Left && (ball.Left +…
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3 answers

Breakout Paddle Collision Angle

I'm making a Breakout clone and having a little trouble with the ball-to-paddle collisions. I have a rectangle represent both the ball and the paddle and when they intersect, the Y vector representing the ball's velocity is negated (as shown below).…
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1 answer

Only one brick disappears in breakout game

I am new to Java and am learning from Stanford lectures from YouTube. So I was trying out their assignment to make a breakout game and so far so good until now. I have all my bricks, ball and paddle including the mechanics of the game but when i run…
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