Questions tagged [bootstrap-material-design]

Bootstrap material design is a theme for Twitter's Bootstrap based on Google's material design specification.

Bootstrap material design is a theme for Twitter's Bootstrap based on Google's material design specification.

Find more info at its official site.

112 questions
4 answers

Should I use Angular Material or Bootstrap Material for my Angular 6 app?

I decided to create a new Angular 6 application with Material Design. The question is what material library to use? Angular Material ( Material Design for Bootstrap…
3 answers

Bootstrap material floating label not working on autofill

I am using bootstrap material kit on my page, but I have a problem with a label not going up on autofill in chrome. I have searched around and saw that is a known issue, and have tried with using the solution suggested here. But it is still not…
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Bootstrap - Floating action button menu size and shadow

I am building an app with Bootstrap 3.3 and Bootstrap Material Design framework. I am trying to make a floating action button that opens when you click it. In an attempt to do this, I've created this Bootply, which has the following code:
1 answer

Combining angular material with twitter bootstrap without conflicts

I would like to combine twitter bootstrap together with angular material. I found bootstrap material design Angular material uses following declarations;
1 answer

Bootstrap material design not working properly with dynamic angular views

I'm including material-bootstrap scripts into the index.html of my Angular project, but they need to be manually re-included in the views to work. This is strange, as for all other scripts inserted into Angular this does not…
2 answers

Bootstrap Material Design cdn

I'd like to use Bootstrap Material design, and the github page says that I can get it from But then the Getting Started page says: Once copied you need to initialize the material javascript by adding the following javascript to your…
Phillip Senn
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1 answer

bootstrap material design and Aurelia

I have been working on this for awhile and I cannot get this working, I am about ready to throw the computer out the window! Using Aurelia's skeleton-nav install bootstrap-material-desing using jspm install bootstrap-material. Then add it as an…
1 answer

bootstrap, bootstrap-material-design, high resolution displays at 300%

I have a problem with a screen that has 3800x2400 resolution at 300% recommended. I have one screen at 1920x1080 (monitor 1) and the other as mentioned above (monitor 2), I'm working with rems and my code shows up perfect in monitor 1 but gets too…
3 answers
2 answers

How can I add the bootstrap-material-design package into webpack?

Im trying to add the bootstrap-material-design with webpack using also the bootstrap-loader based on Sass, but without results. I can load it using bower-webpack plugin, but I want to have more control of it using npm without manage bower packages…
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1 answer

Unable to compile less for bootstrap-material-design

I have a clean install of I tried to compile it using grunt but I get the following error: Running "less:material" (less) task FileError: '../bower_components/bootstrap/less/variables.less'…
George L
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2 answers

Bootstrap material design- floating labels are not floated when data is loaded dynamically

I am using bootstrap material design for my angular app. Everything works fine except when I change the models associated with inputs (floating label inputs) programmatically after the page has been loaded, the floating labels are not floated.
1 answer

mdb angular datatable not working with pagination

I am trying to follow the tutorial here: But the issues is I get an error whenever I try to do anything with the pagination. Cannot read property 'setMaxVisibleItemsNumberTo' of undefined My…
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1 answer

Modal within a table in MDBootstrap for reactjs

I am fairly new to reactjs and material design bootstrap. I am trying to populate a set of data on to a table using a mock json file. I did manage to find some degree of success in that. I wanted to incorporate a modal in the table row. such that…
1 answer

UI library for jhipster

I want to create an rich UI web-app powered by awesome jhipster. I have been working with default jipster app and I can see it is using ng-bootstrap by default. I need to use advance components like "chips", "tree" etc which are not available out of…
Jose Loor
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