Questions tagged [bll]

A Business Logic Layer (BLL) is a typical software engineering artifact within a Multitier architecture.

A Business Logic Layer (BLL) is a typical software engineering artifact within a Multitier architecture. It separates the business logic from other tiers, such as the data access layer or service layer. BLL objects are typically partitioned into two categories: business process objects (those which reflect business activities, or behaviors) and business entities (those which reflect real world business objects). Business process objects are typically implemented as controllers, i.e. they contain no data elements and only expose behaviors and activities which represent business processes. Business entities typically correspond to entities in a domain model rather than a database model.

98 questions
2 answers

Should I call BLL methods directly into my Asp.Net MVC 3 Controller?

I have a Business Object Layer that I use in a couple of other applications and I want to use it on my MVC application. My concern is more a design concern: Is it correct to have something like the following: using Interface.MyOtherProject public…
Hanlet Escaño
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C# .NET4.0 TableAdapter.Update() won't insert new record

I have a small application which consists of a DAL, BLL and the Application itself all in different projects under one solution in Visual Studio 2010. My DAL is using an xsd file to query the database and my BLL has methods to get the information…
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Linq to SQL Updating through BLL issues - Best Practices

The Setup: I have a large form with many fields that are collected to update a Product object. So in the ASPX page the user changes the fields that need updating and they hit submit. In the code behind I do something like this; Dim p as New…
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ASP.NET 2.0 C# DAL Multiple Variable Parameters

I'm developing a Web App designed to query a large database table based on the users selection of criteria. In some cases they may know and enter the primary key, other times they might want to see records of status 'abc' created in the last 7…
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5 answers

File Management: Handled by the Data Access Layer of Business Layer?

So, I am working on this web based app following the Repository model, a wannabe DDD dork, using StructureMap.... blah, blah, blah... One aspect of the application allows users to upload and manage files. Where, what layer, should be responsible for…
Ryan Anderson
1 answer

Use BLL functions without reference the DAL in my API

I have 3 project (C#) API, BLL and DAL. The DAL reference the DAL and the API reference the BLL. In my API I need to use all the CRUD functions but I can't use the function from my BLL because VS said that "The type "blabla" is defined in a…
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Middle tier - C# class library or WCF?

I am developing a new business application which will require a business layer and a data access layer. Right now, I have both of those as simple C# class libraries which will be consumed by a Silverlight RIA app and a WCF app (which will be exposed…
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How to return multi-table join value from BLL

This question is regarding the ASP.NET webservice that i am creating using the DAL-BLL architecture for my final school project. I have a stored procedure, which is a select query with an inner join for 2 tables. Hence the stored procedure returns…
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Cannot access BLL Class on ASP.NET

I'm creating a Web Application on ASP.NET and C#. The problem I have is that I cannot create a instance of a BLL class on the code behind of a page. I have the Log In Page (LogIn.aspx) and the page that controls de Log In Page (LogIn.aspx.cs).…
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Different Types of BLL Classes (Adapter to DA VS BL Only)

I am developing my first multi-layered MVC application. A card game. I have 3 layers as follows |Presentation (MVC)| --> |BLL| --> |DAL (repo/unit of work pattern)| The DAL is mostly generic, my BLL maps almost 1-1 for each table. Now I have…
Norman Bentley
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SettingsProvider class - should it be in DAL or BLL project?

I have in my application layers: Web, DAL and BLL. Where should I place SettingsProvider class (to get values from web.config)? I think it should be inside DAL project. Am I right? public class SettingsProvider : ISettingsProvider { public…
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Repository pattern: DAL or BLL

I'm trying to implement a business logic layer with a few use case for saving data of Booking of a Vehicle. I'm a bit confused as to where the Repository pattern should be implemented. Should I use it in BLL or DAL? It sounds very basic but I'm kind…
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1 answer

Should I have one dll or multiple for Business Logic?

In my situation, my company services many types of customers. Almost every customer requires their own Business Logic. Of course, there will be a base layer that all business logic should inherit from. However, I'm going back and forth on…
2 answers

returning a valid dataset using c#

I keep getting an error when I select a value from my drop down. **The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill'.** It looks like my dataset is returning as empty. I want to stick to the 3 tier structure. How do i return…
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Functionality in a Data Access Layer formed by a dbml

I got a Data Access Layer that's being formed by one DBML in which i just include all object I need. Is it necessary to write more functionality in this dbml or can I just use the dbml as my DAL? I ask this because I am currently writing…
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